
“The Crown has once again given Prince Charles a lot of credit when it comes to his looks, ....”

I felt her friendship with Rosie was ... riveting. 


Bob Dylan was touring in the UK at that time.

... and this is why you have statute of limitations on these things.  I’m not super sure how someone would go about defending their name in situations like this if they happened fifteen years ago, much less 56.  Dylan even has the benefit of being a celebrity surrounded by people and journalists establishing some of

I’m tired of stupid shit at work too!

I was watching American pickers with friends...

I was really, really, hoping it was [redacted] instead!

I was mildly interested in this when the first trailer came out, but every passing trailer and clip since then has slowly killed that desire.

In the moment, in the theater, all those familiar story beats made my soul sing. Only afterwards, thinking about it, did the repetitive nature start to bother me.

it would make 100% more sense if he sat on the shitter and played pokemon.. that’s what I would do as soon as i got home from work.

Maybe I’m just getting old, but this dude is exhausting. Dude’s comedy style is “What if Gyarados but human?”

Seconded. One ep I’d be laughing and then halfway through it’d be like wait, no, that’s *horrible.*

He’s working full-time on Walker, for one thing. It’s possible that whatever other executives or producers are involved didn’t see any reason to include him, for whatever reason: maybe they don’t like him, maybe they didn’t have any need for yet another producer, maybe they didn’t want to give him a vanity credit

needs cockrings!

The Wachowskis outright ask audiences to question everything they’re being told on screen. They want us to disengage with Reloaded as a narrative and look at it from an outside perspective—to unplug and see the code, to detect the manipulation in their filmmaking and apply it to their understanding of Neo’s journey.

It’s fun getting to the age where sometimes things just hurt for no reason, and then get better on their own, whether or not you do anything.

Remember the band Ratt? Anyone? Ratt?

I would say that it seems like it would be difficult for games journalists — people whose jobs throw game news at them constantly — to have the same perception of E3 as your average gamer. E3 used to be different for them — it used to be the one place you could get this huge swath of news as a reporter. That has

There’s one temple that’s like a large-scale version of those cheapo toys where you have to try and get all the balls in all the indentations at the same time, but done by moving the controllers, and it made me want to die