The A.V. Club
The A.V. Club
You son of a bitch, I’m in.
The “catch” is that you have to spend 8 hours watching CBS ruin one of the greatest characters in sci-fi history by turning him into a hapless dementia action mook with the strategic cunning and intelligence of a NyQuil addict.
First self-quarantine, now this torture?
Work from home for the past four or five years. I hated the commute, but still liked being able to go to the library at non-peak hours, and to coffee shops when I wasn’t pressed by deadlines. The knowledge that I can’t leave makes my normal routine feel oppressive.
And all of a sudden introversion has become an evolutionary advantage. :)
It’s more that we're stuck at home and also can't really go anywhere else.
I work from home but I can definitely see how my personality is better suited to it than a lot of people’s. I’m finding myself kind of enjoying the fact that everyone’s now in the same boat and my day-t0-day reality is suddenly a shared experience.
Yeah I am like that. I have worked from home for over 10 years now. My wife is a stay at home parent/teacher and my kids are home schooled.
A whole lotta people in my feeds have clearly never had a snow day.
A lot of people give Jared Leto shit—myself included—and a lot of it is justified, but I can’t imagine the soul crushing horror I’d feel if I came out of my cryogenic chamber or whatever dark room in the desert he came back to society from, and find out what’s happened for the first time over the last month.
I’m seriously considering starting up my drip irrigation system about a month and a half early. It doesn’t look like it’ll go below freezing again.
Wait, thousands of people died, and I STILL couldn’t get my plushy? What were they doing? Those thousands of people should’ve tried harder. There’s no reason they couldn’t be sewing and coughing at the same time.
and you should feel bad
This is a scenario that I’ve always been nervous about. When I get drunk I tend to do the stupidest things, accidentally shooting my gun is easily in the realm of possibility.
“buried down in EA’s archives, gathering dust and decaying”
he didn’t even have the decency of getting an actual job, he’s a supervisor. (either that or he drives a lunch truck)
Hopefully he’ll be able to hang in there until they cast him as Anthony Scaramucci in the movie about this joke of a presidency.
I quite enjoyed Battleship. Plus, it joins Under Siege on my list of best action movies to take place on the USS Missouri.
The weirdest thing about Battleship is that it was...OK. It came off like some writer’s exercise of “find a reason for our heroes to use *extremely* outdated naval tech, and toss in a reference to firing at alpha-numeric coordinates.”