
Quite surprisingly, this movie ended up giving me one of my favorite filmgoing experiences.

I saw it at a radio station’s free screening in San Diego. Including me, the crowd was oh, about 75 percent Mexican/Mexican-American.

Cut to the scene in which Branaugh reveals that his “evil plan” involves returning Califas

I mean, I could mention the, wait, I won’t mention the XFL, sorry.

At this rate the CW is going to change back to the WB with the B now standing for Berlanti.... 

Another jealous little fool. Anderson's novelization of 'League of Extraordinary Gentlemen' should have won a Pulitzer. I'd like to see you write something half as brilliant.

Yeah! Yeet that scalding shit at a staffer, Amy!

Get bent. Kevin J. Anderson is the Steinbeck of his generation. You’re just jealous of his genius. You wish you had a tenth of his talent.

The pumpkin spice must flow.

Oh, please let Dunkin’ Donuts co-opt this somehow.

pre-grated. But yeah, sounds tasty!

Got a cheese preference?

Now playing

What are the seven layers, anyway? guac, sour cream, bean dip... what are the other four?

Sour cream

I love ‘Gansett beer!  One of my neighbors is a part owner.  Super nice guy.  My wife and friends especially like the summer shanty.  To be clear, the beer is not very good per se, but it’s summer for us.

they couldn’t afford ScarJo?

I’m afraid to watch it and fall asleep. Is it like a Baz Luhrmann blenderized boring version? A Julie Taymor tedious yet self-serious version?

Was it good? I heard meh thing. I remember really liking the early aughts Peter Pan, and not only because of Ludivine Saignier as Tink (not to mention the trailer actually justified the existence of a coldplay song, which is next to impossible)

No. He really really didn’t admit his guilt. Stop spreading that lie. He paid a lot of money to make it go away and released a carefully worded statement that was designed to specifically not admit guilt. He also paid a team of lawyers a shit-ton of money to ruin his victim’s credibility, destroy her legally-protected

Isn’t “Dear White People” the title of Taylor Swift’s whole career?

That’s great. An engineer who came thru my place said the wood used in my 1930’s house was a hundred times stronger than modern wood because of its slow-growth density. Those doors will probably last forever.

They’re great fresh, and in much of the US blueberries are really easy to grow. They yield fruit much sooner than many trees, they don’t need much maintenance, they have a high yield per plant and they are easy to harvest.