
In the early 2000s, I had a routine of coming home from school, heating up some salsa con queso, and eating it with Fritos while I watched Divine Design or Designers’ Challenge. I still can’t think of either of those show without craving warm queso and Fritos. 

Indeed, that scene in the book was more surreal than anything else, and yet the movie made it very material, to its detriment.

I just finished a another read-through of the book and watched the first movie again last night and I have thoughts about the changes. I also have too much time on my hands today so you’re gonna hear all about it. I thought overall the changes were for the better when you consider the objective of creating an 11-hour

I am cautiously looking forward to this. I love the concept of sleeves letting different actors take the role, and I thought Joel Kinnaman and Byron Mann did a great job in season one of making Kovacs feel like the same person. Their mannerisms, ways of moving and speaking, all seemed of a piece with each other.

I recently found the How Did This Get Played podcast that discusses the worst and weirdest games, and it has been a truly entertaining podcast to listen. Although fortunately I don’t listen it on headphones as I can only imagine how hard that laughter would ring in that situation, but right now it provides a pleasant

Starred, but only because of disqus nostalgia

It’s a show...

Oh fuck me, they hit my weakness. Without cable I haven’t had my daily Law & Order binge. I’ve had plenty of other, arguably better options.

That would make sense.

Meh - it might be OK, but I can’t even anymore with the aesthetics in movies like these.

Dark labs... with stuff lit from underneath? (Terrible for visibility!) Inky black clouds. C’mon.

They won’t be once they realize this re-boot is not a fun romp with an updated cast but a dark trip to serious-land and not a lot of hijinks at a kookily decorated diner. 

Ding ding ding.

I think there is probably plenty of room for everyone in this story to be the asshole. That being said...

I think it would have been much better received if it had been “Lando: A Star Wars Story”. Solo is a minor but reasonably entertaining heist movie and very little else but for a character with the cultural gravity of someone like Han Solo it just seems - or perhaps more accurately feels - entirely inadequate. I think

This is just Cats with updated CG. Every week they change it. Next week it’s going to be Bad Boys III.

I’m 33, so I’ve never known a world without Alex Trebek as Jeopardy! host, and I’m not ready yet for one without.

If we ever get a Wolf/Berlanti production, will broadcast television explode?

Just think out different television would have been in the 1990s if Dick Wolf’s initial career in porn had worked out.

Who asked for this, exactly?

I just don’t expect that kind of infantile response from DaBaby.