
yeah, i think thats a big part of the charm- they flip your expectations and really land it

everyone in that movie is having a good time, the setup and characters are far more interesting then you’d expect from the marketing and i could watch an entire movie of mccarthy making fun of that german henchman. the plot is ultimately nonsense, but its not why you’re there.

They should make a sequel to Spy. that movie was a lot of fun

i think the better argument here would have been that serial tapped into a very mainstream and long beloved genre of true crime fiction and used it to drum up a huge amount of interest in podcasts by becoming an ambassador to a less tech savvy but large audience

League of their own is a very self contained story and it is aided by its brevity. turning it into a tv show seems like it would turn it into a generic ‘yo, baseball sure is dramatic.

and also, frankly, baseball isn’t the draw it used to be.

well, even though on paper it seems like something closer to a draw when you compare the tactical losses/gains it was all about the strategic outcome, which is why the americans are 100% correct to call this a victory.

japan’s only hope was to drive the US back to their own shores as quickly as possible, seize as many

fair. ‘and easily replicated by a menial laborer.

i’m not sure that makes it better- just because he is letting you know that its intentional doesn’t make it less grating- if i blasted an air horn at you everytime you tried to talk to me and then said ‘don’t worry, i’m doing this to protest that restaurants and bars are too noisy to have a reasonable conversation’

to be fair to mcdonalds, there is a ton of effort on the food creation process. its fascinating really- maximizing the taste in such a way that it resembles the hand made, high quality item that the chef created in the test lab and turning it into something that can be quickly and easily replicated by an unskilled

fair point, its just such an abridged reunion that it seems a bit silly to get excited. its like a limited vegas run played as a re-union- ‘oh boy, they’re coming back, i’d drive an hour and pay a bit to see them.... oh.... never mind’

and for those of us that do not live in the southwest this apparently is all academic

someone will do a spoiler cast that i can listen to while doing chores, so i’ll probably get it that way

yeah, i don’t have anything that can play this (either a ps4 or a PC capable of running it when it eventually comes out there) so i will be a curious bystander

also its fair to note that nobody but reviewers have touched it so far (and reviewers sometimes judge on criteria that the audience may not feel is as important/way more important.) also, given how apparently wild and confusing the story is, combined with the embargo on the entire second half of the game still being

yeah, metaphors by nature need to be subtle if they are going to be compelling and interesting- its kind of like satire. If you’re just hitting the person over the head with them over and over, they’re going to tune out (one of the guys on the beastcast said it felt almost insulting that 50 hours in the game was

-Spoiler Alert-

the trilogy ends with the discovery that god is a crippled old man in a wheelchair who has been fully usurped by his right hand angel who was calling all the real shots. he is then unceremoniously shoved down a well to his death. i think anti-theistic is underselling it

the guys over at GB talked about it on the beastcast today and the two who finished it (vinny and alex) said that the story was way too on the nose with its metaphors- like kojima thought in his mind that he was being way more subtle and clever than he actually was in the actual game in practice. because of that, the

its a cobbler’s shoe scenario- the fisherman sold the ‘good stuff’ commercially and fed their family the leftover stuff they couldn’t preserve or ship

that is somewhat misleading- lobsters need to be eaten or flash frozen immediately after being killed (hence why they are often boiled alive.) they essentially start rotting the moment they die and they go bad very, very fast. so nobody liked to eat them, because they were mostly collected on the shore after they’d

exactly- i’m sure its an amazing movie, but to try and pretend its based on a true story is just silly and borderline irresponsible. Its based on a wholly invented narrative either from a wanna-be nobodies death bed rambling or (just as likely) a wanna-be novelist spicing up his true crime story to sell more books by