
ok... i like the Bee Gees well enough but is there some particularly crazy story with them i’m unaware of? Mercury and Elton John were iconic, larger than life figures. Barry Gibb is a name people might know, but he’s not really a legend in the way some of those other guys are

i have seen many arguments that suggest (although as someone who only speaks english and a smattering of french, i can not confirm) that the english translations are pretty bad. I’ve also seen arguments that the books are better at world building then prose, even in their original language, which is something i would

“Personally, I’d love a film that tackles the question of why the Galaxy’s technology seems to be stagnant and what the means.”

i’m still very curious to see how english speaking audiences react to this being an adaptation of the books and not of the games, since i suspect that is where the majority of non-eastern european watchers are going to be most familiar with the character and world from.

i went on a date to that movie!

..... i did not get far in that relationship

soylent green is people!

T3 was- at the most generous- mediocre and SCC was very uneven (not its fault, production was obviously deeply troubled)

given that the legacy has been mostly bad since at least 1991 and there have been more bad terminators than good ones at this point, that legacy likely isn’t as helpful as it otherwise might be

my problem with frying food isn’t the frying, its getting rid of the oil. i used to just wait until it was dark and pour it down the street drain, but i felt like too much of a scumbag and just stopped frying stuff

I have to disagree on the tepid final take here- I love this movie and I have convinced many skeptical friends to watch it over the years to universal approval. It’s very funny, knows exactly what it is and who it is for and lands it quite well. It also holds up in a way that zombieland really doesnt.

dropping an F bomb on live tv- especially when you’re still pretty unknown in your career- is one of those things that will still end up on your tombstone and probably will until the boomers and gen Xers are gone (and probably half the mellenials.)

Ed: thinking about it, she should probably be happy- the only way

there is something to be said for that- she probably was aware rich people give money to colleges and they get their dumb shit kids in (see Kushner, Jared.) But she probably never considered that you did that by donating a few million for an endowment rather than putting in a scam play. its not like they didn’t have

the internet says that between her and her husband they’re worth over 100 million. that’s well into ‘very rich’ territory. 

for the same reason that she did this scheme in the first place- she’s very rich and very dumb. it never occurred to her that actual jail would happen to someone like her

there have been more than a few reviews over the years that suggest that a lot of the supposed managed portfolio types don’t perform better than random chance in a lot of cases, so this isn’t exactly crazy. for the casual investor, just follow the general trends and invest accordingly

do you really want to publicly call out a wealthy, deranged, multi-murderer with a team of lawyers, a penchant for brewing his own meth in his pedophilia compounds and then killing the people who anger him and then successfully fleeing through deep jungle for weeks to escape from authorities and all of this without

yeah, he just sent out letters to various rich people trying to get them to fund his increasingly implausible invention ideas. but even as a young man, he was noted for his temperament as much as he was for his mechanical genius. i can’t imagine there was ever a time when people were like ‘oh boy, here comes nick

i actually jumped on wikipedia to just try and confirm my vague remembrance of sauron being around for all of the LOTR history from the silmarillion, looked at the table of contents and just decided to trust my foggy memories. no way i was reading that to confirm his name, or his status at what specific time. its been

Sauron would exist in the timeframe of this show (he’s basically an immortal) but he might not be known as sauron yet (tolkien’s notes are bugnuts)

its easy to forget as an american that england is relatively small country with a robust train system. you don’t need to be rich and insanely dedicated to your team (like an NBA or NFL or NHL fan would have to be here) to be able to travel to a significant number of away games. most of them are relatively close and