
this seems like a story that is A. kind of dull in its particulars (two already very rich guys fight over who will become even richer with old and relatively simple tech by todays standards) and B. this is like a zombie film- tesla and edison and all this peaked 5 or so years ago. people funded that tesla museum (or

rappers (or musicians in general) with weird names, adopted personages and ties to people with drugs and crime is hardly some newfangled thing. snoop dog has been around since forever and is now martha stewarts BFF- and she’s a felon herself. i’m pretty sure that means that even the oldest of the olds can wrap their

who the hell is giving this guy money to make these uncanny valley flops time and time again? can we potentially prosecute them for the war crimes they have committed?

Cho has been doing fairly well for himself recently, but this is still a let down for him- glad netflix has decided not to try and replace him, given his talents.

but they’d 100% better just copy the opening crawl and soundtrack of the anime if they now expect me to wait even longer. my plan was already to start it up

the pouched stuff is wildly convenient, especially for travel. its shelf stable (i.e. no cooler needed) and doesn’t require a big setup (like highchairs, bibs and spoons) can be eaten quite quickly and at a relatively early age the kid can feed themselves (which kids tend to enjoy.)

but yeah, they’ve got a lot of salt

this almost feels like a punishment detail- i could have written this review without seeing the movie. we all know what smith movies look like these days, why subject yourself to actually seeing it?

this was one of the worst shows i’ve seen since i can remember and to see the cast of ‘haha, old, sad ethnic stereotypes are hilarious!: The Show’ try and claim their cancellation is some sort of loss to culture is ridiculous.

perhaps, given time, they could have moved past the issues they set up, but the entire setup

Look man, they lost their empire, they somehow managed to trump trump with brexit, all the good food is from a former colony and their best beaches are basically rock and dirt. Let's just give them this one- it's all they have left

this seems like a smart move. young audiences don’t even know who these characters are or why they should care, but its a kids movie, so parents will take the kids and hook them back into the world of the adams family.

although these models look like hot garbage, so maybe kids will be freaked out by them

yeah, the hobbit was.... it was bad. those goblin chase scenes looked terrible

a book ‘written’ by bill clinton in which the fictional president’s wife dies and he gets to bang one of the hottest 20 women in the world.

i can’t wait for the movie!

look, the dog is cute, the cast (as currently slated) is real good and netflix has shown they will throw money at projects and make them look and act great.

but if you don’t have the theme music, get the hell out

well, its hard to say for certain, since henry the 4th was a usurper and would have adopted more monarchical trappings when he became king. he still would have needed to speak fluent norman french though, because it and latin were the two universal languages of the isles at the time, i don’t think even most historians

the reboot seemed to prove that pretty conclusively.

although that also had a bit of a misfire aspect to it, as the creative people behind that movie were clearly huge fans of the original. it makes sense- the original movie is a delightful and nasty little horror film with the addition of having a delightful backstory

given that henry V would have spoken french as his first language its odd they would make a native french speaker worry too much about his accent. they could even lamp post it as historically accurate to drive it home if they were worried about confusing people

capers are very underrated in general. i love them so much i order them in bulk on amazon because i blow through the containers from the grocery store far too quickly.

the chili garlic sauce is perfect for greens of any type- chard, beet greens, spinach.

its perfect for grilled pork- i like to rub a tablespoon on a pork tenderloin and grill it up (i usually have a little for myself for dipping, but my wife is a little less heat heavy than i am)

i throw a healthy tablespoon into my hamburger mix- get a little funk from the fermentation and a little taste of heat from the chilis. ironically my MIL practically choked when she tried one (claimed it was too spicy) but my 14 month old can’t get enough of them.

our grocery store does have ethnic sections, but they aren’t all together. the ‘asian’ stuff shares an aisle with bread, ‘italian’ shares with canned vegetables, then handful of english, german, middle eastern etc items are next to the dedicated kosher stuff- but not always (harissa is in the sauce aisle, even though

i suspect this is aimed at landlords- in my last apartment we had a bunch of college kids renting the other unit who would never remember to take the trash from the container to the curb, so it would end up filling up, trash would spill on the ground, rats would come and either we’d call the landlord and he’d have to