
counter point- 80's music is awful, 80's movies are garbage and mullets are actually pretty sweet, so you win that last one

exactly- i have no nostalgia for the garbage of my youth- blink 182 is still here and they still kind of suck. i don’t know what the kids are into, but it cant be as bad as that crap

i used to watch TV shows on my phone when i was commuting to work by train, but i downloaded them ahead of time. still, i’ll watch this on my massive tv/sound system setup and have a better experience than going to a theater

yeah, but the plant ingredients they use to create them are inherently much cheaper than meat. with them taking off, the economies of scale will kick in and the price will plummet. their pricey right now because they took years of r&d that need to be recouped to pay off the early investors and are coming from

i mean.... don’t. its not a bad game in that its a competent version of that game. its not broken nor is it offensive. but its frequently boring, its overly long and the minute to minute stuff isn’t particularly fun. Just go watch a super cut of the story on youtube- the one thing youtube is actually good for

exactly! its not a great movie, but its so goofy and wild that it ends up being a fun a movie. and an unexpectedly fun one (aquaman is a huge joke for a reason.) i think its great that DC has to make very long. very weird movies that prominently feature a drum playing octopus. and its great that the reason they have

the one positive thing is that it was all so specific that its easy to recognize it from a distance and just ignore it. its very rare i’ve gone into something and only realized halfway through that it was going for an 80's riff

i feel like this is all gen X is ever going to have though and i feel more pity toward them then anger. 

i like that DC has figured out their game plan and its not the same as marvel. marvel is doing the marvel thing- everything tied together, everything follows the house style and all the ducks are in a row- even if they can ultimately end up being somewhat repetitive and predictable. you know exactly what marvel is

Thats the thing, isnt it? It’s a too good to be true story so it should make a solid movie. Regardless of it being true, its fun and will be a solid watch. That’s probably the ultimate take away from all this

iron fists problems were never its directors

i did indeed- i think i was looking at ‘showtime’ (ok-ish) and ‘dreamgirls’ (obviously excellent.) but i decided it would be funnier to run with and i think i made the right call

oh yeah, the real stories of gangsters are basically ‘i did a lot of drugs and hurt innocent people horribly until the drugs finally won or someone killed me.’ thats not a fun story. a fun story is a loveable rogue got in too deep and messed up, or a naive fella was corrupted by bad actors, etc, etc.

so a story off

alternative headline: warner brothers cleverly manipulates the media into their marketing campaign of making ‘Joker’ seem so dangerous and dynamite that the media can’t handle it- its too hot for the old squares! you’ve got to see it for yourself!

yeah, there was supporting stuff with lucas- his lengthy jail time and massive piles of cash that couldn’t be explained confirmed at least that he wasn’t some total nobody. plus there was a vested interest of him to claim the he’d smuggled drugs in military transports (people weren’t jazzed about the war at the time)

then you’ve achieved the same impact as listening to a Billie Eilish song and everyone gets to stay home. win win

yeah, sheeran was a drunk nobody who spun tall tales to a writer. its a supremely fun story (in the gump way) but nobody who lived through the era believes it

we don’t go anywhere when we fall asleep, unless we’re sleep walkers. there, i just saved this woman a lot of air travel, hotel stays and jetlag. You’re welcome Ms. Eilish!

you’re commenting on a pop culture website and you’re unaware that eddie murphy- one of the most recognizable comedians on earth- has spent the last 20 years in a critical slump but because scar-jo played an asian robot then incels have taken over rotten tomato reviews back in 2002 and only scored on violence.


he played all of the characters in fat suits. it was a tour de force.