
why hire someone to play young reese witherspoon? easier to put old age makeup on ageless reese witherspoon

yeah but look at his body of work from about 1999- of the stuff on there he had one really good performance (showgirls) a couple of decent roles (depending on your tolerance for shrek and its sequels) and everything else has been some version of garbage, ranging from normal (showtime) to outright hot (norbit.)

go check out the adventures of pluto nash. you’ll get it

apparently the marshal service would be unlikely to pay for the removal, so he’d have to fund some aggressive removal. might be less painful to just get shot.

i get that, it very well could be charming. it has showrunners who have a good track record and it sounds like a largely positive cast. i hope it is charming- i could use another parks and rec in my life.

i just wonder if this sort of hack character is going to be able to be funny in this world we currently live in.

oh boy.....

this is one of those movies where the credits rolled and i was sitting there going ‘this was an absolute blast of a movie, but who gave them the money to make this and release it in a theater and thought that would be a good financial decision?

this is a movie with such a perfect but narrow audience that speaking as a

i’m having an incredibly hard time not reading these descriptions and feeling like this must be the hackiest show to premier in years. granted, the creative level of show runners have a solid track record, but everything described might as well be cliche 101

i mean... yeah. but also, there is no way in hell the dune movie gets sequels that match the books. the first book was really, really weird and it just gets weirder and weirder with every word after that. 

i was like.... 90% sure, but those pictures weren’t straight on juuuuust enough that i was like.... is this a wild artistic choice?

also i’d watch gary walsh in old age makeup as the corporate dad, for the record

he was firm, yet fair. you couldn’t ask for more

um, isn’t that gary cole in those pictures? or did gary walsh get very old and distinguished in the past few months?

yeah, i work nights and from home so i’m taking care of my kid/doing house work 90% of my non working time. i just want something on TV that i can tune in for a few minutes while i’m prepping dinner, or folding laundry or whatever and not lose the plot if i walk away for a few minutes or stop paying attention. i watch

well, we’re nearly split evenly on ‘rewatch all the time’ and ‘why would anyone do that?’ at this point, so maybe there is big money to be had in this

yeah, are people coming home from work and being like ‘i’m wiped, lets throw on a few episodes of season 4 of mad men and just decompress on the couch.’? i can see that being a big pull from seinfeld, but not so much mad men

well, its been on netflix for years now. i just wonder how many people are like you (meaning to watch it, may or may not actually get around to it because of how daunting it is) and how many people are going to be interested in re-watching it. While although the current era of TV certainly has brought a new level of

i do wonder if this will be a big payday. mad men was an acclaimed and enjoyed show, but it never struck me as a ‘friends’ or a ‘law and order’ (i.e. a show you’ll want to throw on and either binge some comfort food or have running in the background while you do laundry.) how long is the tail on people clamoring to

CSB time- i was wondering around montmartre on a trip ~15 years ago and i look over and standing a few feet away, looking at some street art is david hasselhoff, in the flesh. reflexively i exclaimed ‘whoa, its david hasselhoff!’ he turned to me, pointed his camera at me and said ‘whoa, its that guy!’ then shot me a

it’s standard operating procedure in the modern “crime-fighting” world, at least as the film depicts it.”

there are many, many well sourced examples of the federal government doing this, although they usually use paid informants to set up the scheme and talk the person into agreeing before they become directly involved

yeah, right up until that point it does seem to be holding together pretty well- the effects are dated, but the designs on everything were really good and hold up. the sting stuff isn’t even as bad as its status as meme suggests. but then they take about 2 hours of remaining plot and hash it out in about 10 minutes.
