
unless you in any way screw up the timing and calculations on how long your battery will last, in which case your super awesome SWAT attack to trick the bad guys ends up being more of a ‘10 officers died today when they fell 100 feet to their deaths because the batteries on their weird hoverboards died before they

maybe the difference is because the teams have embraced the hakka as a way to bridge cultural gaps and honor the maori culture, with the input of the actual maori players and vince is exploiting that camaraderie to make a cheap buck on the back of people he considers to be barely (if at all) human?

yeah, if they kids these days are learning about a maori tradition because vince ‘donald trump is great and i treat my workers worse than a race horse that breaks its leg’ mcmahon’s business, i think that’s way worse than learning it from a national sports team. 

heck, i spent extra money to make my house retain heat because i live in the northeast and wanted to reduce my heating footprint! i thought i was being smart, but the past few years are killing me now

man, that is depressing as shit.... and it was already kind of depressing that it was widely known because of the english sport of rugby, but at least there is some real cultural pride and buy in from the native populations of those countries with the national teams

the youtube comments indicate that the french were routed in the actual game, so you’re not alone (and france is no slouch on the national team level when it comes to rugby)

there’s a great one where they were facing someone like tonga and they had dueling hakka’s going, but i was too lazy to dig through youtube to find it and went with the first one that popped

Now playing

is why the kids these days are all hip to the hakka, the traditional maori war dance. rugby teams from the south pacific adopted it as their pre-match warm up

Dancing isn’t an issue, since its a movie and they can just cut around it and its been a long time but i’m not even sure the musical character ever even sings- he mostly lurks around in the background and then has a ‘dance fight.’ They don’t even bother to cast a specific actor for the character in the show- one of

why would a rap song that makes fun of cowboy tropes, as done by a flamboyant gay black man make hicks angry? i assume economic anxiety

I think its more of a ‘if you ran into this person in a social setting you could have a conversation about things you share over a drink.’ I can think of a bunch of people from work I could run into and have a beer and talk shop but I dont know much of anything about their lives outside of work 

Well yes... but there are 2 caveats.

it doesn’t seem that he even made it halfway- probably closer to a 3rd

its the same thing i and others made fun of in the original article on this- if you can only go a few blocks with this thing before it plummets to the ground, what the heck is the point (outside of it being a tourist thing like those water jet hoverboards you can rent)? he made it a few miles and needed to refuel, but

exactly- its not like i live in rural alaska or anything- i live in a major east coast city which is full of the sort of people who would dig those movies, but netflix is my best bet to see any of them

that are not “within the reach of everyone.”’

so my options to see most of these films is to

A. travel to one of a limited number of major US cities and find the one theater that is doing a limited release of perhaps a few weeks.
B. turn on netflix right now and just watch it

and yet netflix is the difficult one....

the better question is why are all of these middle and upper middle class kids out there chanting with the tiki torches. relatively easy for gangs to reel in marginalized and disenfranchised- offer them a home and some family structure.

it is- its mentioned in the review in passing

check around- a lot of those shows run under the banner of a PBS channel called ‘Create’ especially on weekends.but you may need to check the over the air options, as a lot of cable providers don’t carry it in their default sections

because the dude has secretsci-fi level super science at his disposal. he uses it to pretend he’s a hero to further his scheme, but he also could have just used it to rob a bunch of banks and retired to zanzibar. the idea that the public gave him the power when it was really his stolen stark tech that gave him the