
‘uses nano-tech and drones to trick the world’

both of the men cited here have been indicted. both are currently in jail awaiting trial

that is a star worthy comment none the less

i don’t personally subscribe to that theory- i’m more in the camp that views that sort of language in correspondence as an artifact of the time, but it sure does show that these were two people who were at minimum very close friends right up until his death

“I will not share my throne with anyone,” she says over a shot of her and Jason Clarke’s Grigory Potemkin, which probably doesn’t bode well for their relationship’

assuming they aren’t going off the rails and changing history, it shouldn’t. they were lovers for years, remained close friends and catherine relied

the pro’s are:
great cast (sam neal was in it ffs!)

i mean- don’t watch the tudors. its not great. but he was quite good on it

he was really good in man from UNCLE (a sadly very underrated and fun film) and he was good in the latest mission impossible. And actually, he was quite good way back on the softcore porn that was the tudors. given a real script and something to do with it, he’s solid

if it makes you feel better, he did drug their drinks to make them more pliable to agree to do this

man, and here i had collected all these bee’s for the ceremony. i’m never going to recoup that investment

i like the tricks, but as someone who does not have an encyclopedic knowledge of magic, i find it frustrating that they never tell the audience how they did it- i realize that would kind of ‘kill the magic’ but it also derails the point of the show- since i don’t know any of what they say, i have no idea if there is a

That would also be amazing

to be fair- lobster is like most shellfish, and it goes bad nearly as soon as it taken out of the ocean. in an era before any way to keep them fresh, they had to be eaten on the beach

that would be the greatest thing that has ever happened, ever

very interesting that they do not have a named actor for Iorek Byrnison’s voice yet. i have to assume its some big get. my money is on Bill Shatner 

yeah, its just a series of poems set to music. its not really about making sense, in a ‘narrative arc’ sense.

but this look bugnuts, so i’ll watch it on HBO

we should all be so lucky if he did

i’m a little torn- on paper this seems kind of funny and sweet that this older white guy apparently was super into tupac to this extreme.

this just highlights the baffling decision to hire a really good performer in a role that called for a really good singer. beyonce the singer is deeply mediocre, but beyonce the performer is very impressive, why waste her specific talent on a movie where she’s voicing a weird uncanny valley lion?

stop trying to take stuff that everyone and their brother has been doing forever and claim its a St. Louis thing. you can find a dozen garbage plates (including the actual original rochester garbage plate) that pre-date this. i know that st. louis feels bad that nobody seems to give a crap about it, but trying to horn