
yeah, but you also get the good chance this dude whacks a bird and bites it immediately.

also, you say urban warfare, which makes me think you’re actively at war with whomever you’re aiming this at and fighting in their city. you hear about an HVT somewhere and you need a way to get them- do you really think that in

if their security services are that bad, just shoot him with a sniper, or car bomb him like a normal coup angling military dictator wannabe. the sorts of countries that would justify elaborate plots like trying to hover in the air and shoot out some windows are also the sorts who would never be vulnerable to something

will he talk to them about the other news item right above this where he exploits the creative power of people looking for a break, while undercutting the workers and creatives who are trying to earn a living wage?

from the way that dude was gripping the fake rifle, it looked like he was about to le crappe his pants, so i suspect he’s aware.

I just can’t get scared by alligator/crocodile movies. they’re so specifically suited to their specific niche (ambush predator) that they might as well be aliens when they show them moving on land or being these super maneuverable water attackers. its so goofy

there is also a *lot* of weird gender and sex politics involved with the whole thing that i wont even try and unravel (but in short, i’m sure it wouldn’t surprise you to find out that there is a segment of the US that is less than pleased with people having sex without being married under any circumstance and some of

point of order: sexual addiction is not recognized by the DSM and gambling addiction is.

also, further, the actual disorder proposed and rejected was Hypersexual Behavior Disorder, which specifically addressed people who engage in multiple direct sexual encounters, often outside of a social monogamous relationship (as

what i don’t get is who would buy this that isn’t into the specific fetish? Because everything else aside, this is clearly some sort of sex thing. not my sex thing, but what appears to be a perfectly harmless sex thing. you’re presumably buying this item to give yourself a man or lady boner (or whatever form your

unless you enjoying peeing in your own pants, i recommend avoiding that beverage like the plague

Ed: you know what, on reflection- even if you do enjoy peeing in your own pants, still avoid this beverage like the plague. there has got to be a more enjoyable way to pee in your own pants than drinking a MD 20/20

or that its possible that the software that is actually ‘seeing’ all of these UFO’s is the cause- they’re human designed systems to allow our aircraft to engage possibly unconventional targets, its not crazy to think they might be interpreting normal but unusual atmospheric events as some crazy alien.

plus, its not

it seems a little weird not to wait a little bit on finishing and releasing this, since she’s still appealing this case. I can’t imagine she or her parents (or current legal team) would be willing to put any take on the record while there is still a chance the supreme court might reverse this. maybe the director felt

financed by amazon, but you can’t find it because they keep trying to make you watch boston legal season 4

this is cool and all, but can’t we all agree that Daisy Ridley is better suited for the role The Rock is playing?

himself. like all very rich people he has a secure bunker he hid out in. he just didn’t stock enough fuel and was forced out when the generators quit.

those look like pretty regular sized gators. unless its lake placid levels of gator, no dice

its good, but i prefer the shanghai version which skips all the ingredients and just puts hoison sauce and pepper flakes on it and calls it a day

i get that some extent- but right off the bat, its a magazine ostensibly marketed toward teenaged boys that is trying to make a go of it in 2019. that is- fundamentally- a failure right off the bat. no teenager, no 20 something, no 30 something and probably a pretty small number of 40 somethings is going to buy a

i’m not sure boiling makes the most sense for a taste test (its not a great way to experience any sort of dog) but i also have to admit its probably the only way to ensure consistency. in any case, everyone knows the true answer is zweigles white hots (although anything they make will be great.) i think they’re east

‘we highlighted a piece that the magazine ran, poking vicious fun at American attitudes toward gun control by way of a painfully apt Edward Gorey parody’

.... and with that sort of cutting edge, youth audience focused content, its *shocking* they somehow are going out of business.