
they actually sleep together almost immediately, but then stop and it turns into more of an emotional relationship, culminating in a ‘2 ships in the night’ ending to their relationship after he stops the person trying to kill her

having been jetlagged and not been forced to do press junkets, i suspect he might be feeling just a wee bit loopy

honestly, a simple pan fry until their browning just a little (if you’re a garlic fan anyway) is amazing. mild garlic flavor with a nice bit of crunch

yeah, this feels like a 28 minute thing- it should be just enough to be weird without overstaying its welcome

i suspect you may not- at least those out of the greys. the Aziz situation seems to be largely considered to be a description of a bad date and not any form of sexual assault (since even the person who described it admits that it was consensual and when she felt uncomfortable with anything going on, ansari stopped

yeah, but what their going to do is what my mom does with these sorts- go to dinner and a movie in like 2 months when it finally gets there and pay practically nothing for the ticket because their scraping the bottom of the box office.

and as mentioned by others on teh thread- anyone of the younger generations who

Yesterday seems like a movie who's audience would check reviews, and those reviews were pretty mediocre.

everyone knows the best way to kill a fish is to hold it by the throat until you see the light leave its eyes, and then you bury them in your yard and plant roses over them.

oh sorry, i was thinking of hobos. fish are best killed by throwing M80's in a pond and then hitting them on a stump, like we did in my redneck

first off- what is her weird accent thing? its like french canadian or something.

second off- trump did have plans. ‘lock her up’ ‘drain the swamp’ ‘get rid of the illegals and stop all immigration’ ‘repeal obamacare’ ‘tax cuts!’ they were bad, evil plans, but they were in fact plans

i made a big fish fry inside, the day before i was leaving for a month on vacation. I was told on return that the entire house smelled strongly of fried fish for well over a week and that i should be tried at the Hague, which was fair

Of course. Disney read my post in the thread about her latest movie and wisely replaced her with The Rock.

i used to work in an amusement park, so i was perhaps cheating with my earlier comment- i’ve been there, seen how it works and been sad/i can’t care because i’m a nobody plebe 

i remember glancing through some review of this from the journalist and all of the small items and little details that were everywhere and my first thought was exactly this- people are going to start *looting the shit* out of that place within a week

‘the sails long since retired’

...well, except they bought the boat back, refurbed it and are currently sailing it around the world to raise money and awareness for educating girls. i’m sure they bought new sails, but they’re still out doing their part in spirit

you should go- it is an amazing experience. the cost of getting there can be a bit daunting, but once you arrive its very reasonable. The entire northern vietnamese region is one of the best trips i ever took

i once saw a water buffalo *on* a motorbike just outside of hanoi (and no, i am not making that up and yes i still have no idea how that thing was able to move at all with a freaking water buffalo tied onto it.) it did seem to be a relatively small one, to be fair, but it still happened.

Vin Diesel tweeted that The Rock is a candy ass for doing Ophelia vs. Godzilla: clash of the Jumanji’s instead of the 9th film- Fast and Opheliest 9: its about family and stuff or whatever

if you’re going to revamp shakespeare and you don’t cast The Rock as the lead, you’re just out of your mind. compare:

what happened to that guy that called anyone who thought it was weird that a couple of MAGA chuds were lurking in downtown chicago in -40 degree weather at 3am with rope and bleach just looking for a relatively unknown black/gay actor that they would recognize and attack a big old racist? i miss that guy. he was so

or, you’re on your employers dime.... but then, that brings up a host of potential tax issues if you didn’t pay for the seat yourself and the sort of people who get the upgrade tend to be the sort of people who actually worry about that sort of stuff (i’m been flown from boston to shanghai and greece a couple of times