
i would agree with you- this is a dumb plan and it wont work, but there is essentially no plan that will work. this idea of ‘let’s just bribe them to stop’ is mercenary and gross and ignores a lot of injustices.... but many political solutions have been out there in various forms for 50 years or so and it fails every

a “Satanic” jar of Grey Poupon’

yeah, i also usually ignore the ‘best buy’ date on food items that are inherently immune to specific spoilage, but there is a limit guys.

i’m seriously starting to consider that maybe this ‘internet’ thing has been a horrible, horrible mistake

i would suspect that a 30 year marketing person at goop doesn’t actually see much of a cut from the 900 dollar rock that you rub on your face. and even she’s paid well, who cares? goop is a brand by idiots for idiots, why not leverage that into gold? its a victim less crime to my mind

and we’re supposed to be mad that a young person who inherited a horrible economy, a dearth of jobs for people who do not have a college education and crushing debt for those who do, facing a world of increased automation, government austerity, wealth hoarding by a fraction of the population at a level that is unheard

this is actually kind of one of the things that the show got right at the end- leaving it ambiguous was the right call, given her character and the manipulative behavior she showed. was she pregnant or just making it up to try and manipulate those around her for a few months is a very in character move and (since she

it seems a little weird to turn the usual game cycle into some sort of existential crisis.

for example: ‘the industry’s thirst for content—but not, pointedly, for new titles or IP—was palpable.’ Except that the reason this is happening is because next year sony and ms will be releasing new consoles, front loaded with

ha- the russian government that has deployed nerve gas on foreign soil to kill people they don’t like (and any poor bastard who stumbles into it) would welcome an actor who makes them look bad back in their totalitarian state with open arms is a joke. how’s the view from your st. petersburg office?

more to the point, as was pointed out in many outlets, the russian government is very angry about any project that makes russian history look bad. if you’re a russian actor, you’d basically be committing to permanent exile if you signed on to a project like this (if not a polonium tea party)

i find if you ask them to cut it into 4ths (or halves, if you got a half sub) and don’t get any oil/drippy dressing stuff on it, its one of the easier meals to eat while driving, because it can be easily one handed and isn’t greasy. 

I ate Quiznos exactly once-for a fast food (i.e. on the go) the toasting just made a total mess of my car when i tried to eat it and i spent more time cleaning it then i got any pleasure out of the mediocre sub. its no shock to me its failing, the concept is inane

well, it takes about 20 minutes to read the entire trilogy, so you can be done with it before it starts to get too annoying

Llongmire is actually an interesting thing with streaming because a lot of people did care about it- but those people were suburban dads and thus not a desirable advertising group. Netflix, not being concerned with advertising, smartly picked it up, knowing that the suburban dad market would subscribe to their service

honestly, if your home pre-dates the 80's and post dates the 40's, hire a pro- houses before the 1980's in many places did not have rules about what and how they needed to do it and post 40's booms meant that people cut corners hard. i’ve owned a couple of ranch homes from the 1960's (i.e. sketchy mobbed up contractor

people think they want beer that tastes good and is pleasant to drink, but what they really want is beer that tastes like old milk, grapefruit and turtle testicles that i call “yertlin the day away.’ as an added bonus, it has the consistency of wendy’s chili

i was live blogging it to my sister at work and i kept having to correct myself because they were scoring faster than i could text and watch. it was nuts

can’t tom cruise fly? that seems like a huge advantage in a fight

after he finally proved that his true talent was goofball-but-sincere comedy shtich, he’s got to try to be the marine again? wrong move brohirim

invest in your backups! the whole ‘why should i spend 1 million dollars to license some software we may never need!’ attitude has been proven to be pretty short sited

i suspect the sort of parent that illegally lets their kid sign an inaccurate contract to play a video game professionally is probably similar to the insane stage parents of child actors. i doubt that kid is going to see much (if any) of that money. it will end up spent on cocaine, plastic surgery and divorce lawyers