
i have seen this multiple times- i grew up in a rural area where even in the 90's-2000's drunk driving was seen as a mostly harmless eccentricity and not a serious crime (sad story- i did not learn that open container laws existed until i went to college, because i was so used to seeing adults i knew drinking in

i’d rather eat at my desk and get an 8 hour day then this new trend of ‘lunch break but you work 9 hours’ bullcrap. 

i would argue really that the human drama mostly is boring and forgettable in Kong but they got sam jackson to chew all of the scenery (and that is never not fun, even with subpar material) and reilly is his usual absolute delight, even wringing some pathos from his undercooked story.

hiddleston is fine but feels like

Aso what’s wrong with working at a chemical plant? That's probably a good job

i’ve worked jobs i didn’t much like because the money was good, why would i begrudge an actor for working a job that was probably actually a good job and payed a ton? you can worry about your artistic ambition when your belly is full and rent is paid... as, honestly, he seems to have done

this is actually the game that introduced my now wife to video games. we played it together with the co-op mode and we occasionally replay it- it holds up in that respect, although its otherwise kind of weird (and getting a bit long in the tooth on the tech side)

home made piri-piri sauce mixed in is the best

warthogs are pretty gnarly looking, but they are small and skittish compared to the big boars anyone familiar with agricultural pigs will have run into, so they come across (at least to me) as more cute and fun than intimidating. 

Given the stories you hear of starving actors, I dont blame anyone for signing up for a 7 movie arc which will probably set you up for life, regardless of quality

Just watch the scene where she enters Rome. The movie itself is a slog but that scene is pretty impressive 

i tuned in purely to be prepared to effectively hot take it on the internet and ended up completely sold

Is a deeply human reaction to the situation and I feel like the show does a decent job of selling it

so her business model is that she believes that the vendors coming in will allow her to make up the money by selling drinks. but the sort of young, hip type who comes into a place to participate in a pop-up food vendor event is likely also the sort who doesn’t drink sugar heavy drinks, because its been made very clear

‘we created an amazing nature preserve/x-bear theme park! truly the soviet system is the best system!’

yeah, if this happens in the ural’s, its possible we don’t hear about it until the mid to late 90's. or more likely we get a minor story about some little bitty accident, but everything is fine here now, how are you comrade?

oh, i’m not trying to imply that they planned to do this to Pripyat (although they wren’t exactly following all the safety protocol at the plant either.) but when it did happen and they were discussing what to do about it, i’m also not surprised ‘well, they’re just a bunch of ukrainians. we could just cut bait on the

well, this was the same soviet government that in 1933 had orchestrated the peacetime death by starvation of about 7-12 million ukrainian peasants just to consolidate the farming system, so its not super surprising that their first response to a politically damaging deadly disaster happening to the grandchildren of

ok, so now do another one, but on a lot of LSD

‘Its Klob-ering time’ seems sketchy, given that former employees have claimed she physically struck them with thrown objects....

my local pizza hut doesn’t even offer the pan pizza anymore