
i think you’re missing in some ways your own point- you’re saying essentially what if someone had the same goals and views as trump, but was a suave and likable political operator who could sell his horrible policies to the public and wouldn’t that be bad. and the answer is- it was! reagan *was* that guy- he basically

maybe.... don’t do this? its not going to be good and its not going to make any money and i kind of like this director and would prefer this not be a problem for him.

its like the blade runner movie- it was good, and i liked it and it appealed to fans of blade runner and thats why it made about 50 bucks. sometimes

that is the point though- reagan was racist, homophobic, xenophobic, completely corrupt and did not respect the rule of law and he embraced disenfranchising unions and rigging the economic system for the 1% at the cost of everyone else. he’s everything trump is, but he was smart and genial and was extremely successful.

i was curious so i googled it and the first result was:

pictured: a bigfoot

So... Ronald reagan?

damnit it man, you got my hopes up. i was ready to head down to the cape and find me some squirrel brains! now i’m just going to have to settle for dunkin donuts squirrel brain breakfast sandwich, which we all know is made out of cheaper possum brains

wait- i’m a non-native but long time bostonian who grew up in the relative sticks where we ate a lot of weird stuff (i’ve eaten road kill on more than one occasion and enjoyed it.) i’ve somehow managed to never actually go to the cape in all these years- are squirrel brains a thing down there? Because i might go to

the one good thing is that stewart himself is enough of a name that he probably has some decent veto power if he feels something is way off the rails. the bad thing is that A. he’s that old school english ‘a job is a job’ era of actor and B. hails originally from the shakespeare ‘everyone gets sad and dies at the end’

also, it came from that region. it stands to reason you’d still find it there

edit: also, why would you eat squirrels brain? i’m pro eating brain, which i find delicious, but doing it with squirrels seems like such a pain in the ass to get enough to be worth it that i can’t imagine why anyone would bother in this day

‘you left your lawn chair in your shoveled out parking space for 3 days instead of the generally agreed upon 2- now you answer to MEEEEEEEEEEEE’

honestly, i popped on the overwatch league that they were showing a weekend or 2 back (i don’t have cable, so my options are pretty limited.) i’ve never played the game, but did play TF, some TF2 and other class based games in the past and still actively play a wide variety of games.

i could not make heads nor tails

i can’t tell if a boston version of the batman would the best or worst thing ever

his answer is obviously going to be ‘i got a 750k per year job working for space raytheon making sure the proton torpedo contract is secure.

eh, michael chabon in an amazing writer- The Yiddish Policemen’s Union is still one of my all time favorite books.

but if someone said to me ‘hey, dont worry that this will be a bleak and depressing character study of a flawed and broken man because good old mike chabon is writing on it!’ i would immediately question

The only good reason I could think of to see this would be to see the reveal of sarah connor being a mysterious badass and rescuing the confused protagonist (the ‘come with me if you want to live’ moment.)

he denies all allegations, but also abandoned his stake in the restaurants and has a laundry list of other people who have made similar and credible accusations. seems like he hoped if he financially and physically got out of town that they might consider it too much of a problem to go after him. glad our new DA

i am indeed. they served them instead of the little mini cartons. i only found out that was a canadian thing many years later. they were.... not particularly great? the milk tasted fine, but they were kind of hard to set up and routinely caused spills, especially for younger kids, since they were floppy. i’m also not

we used to get them in upstate NY. they were fantastic for launching the straws at other children and an adequate way to access milk. 

oh absolutely on the korean gents situation- but also, while they clearly were not particularly keen on actually fighting, they seemed perfectly content to put on the uniform, hold a gun and stand at a checkpoint/pillbox looking vaguely important to whatever local population they were supposed to be intimidating.