
you would think that.... but their are multiple long running empires that were incredibly successful based on massive slave armies- the ottoman turks did it with the janissaries and the mamluk’s of egypt also did it. now, the trick was that they would take these people as children and indoctrinate them in an insular

the ‘pick up the weapon from the dead guy’ thing is actually made up.... in ww2. the russians never lacked for adequate weaponry in ww2, but the were infamous for running out of guns and ammo in ww1, and there are multiple battles where the retreating imperial russian army was forced to fight horrifying rear guard

Weirdly, thanks to German manpower shortages, there probably were a handful of Russians at Normandy. The germans would force some POW’s into service to serve in areas seen as backwaters where they’d just be manning a post.

Thats also my fav- it’s a weirdly dark look at war dressed up as a conventional war epic. I’m not sure it understood what it was doing but it sure did it well

the point is this is a gossip piece in a now decades long line of gossip pieces about this woman, which also teases some conspiracy theory stuff that is trending on twitter. posting to say ‘don’t try and diagnose this person with a real disease’ on that sort of article is inherently silly. but then, even wildly

sorry- brittany spears prior behaviors (publicly documented) clearly indicates that she is clinically ‘crazy as fuck.’ my bad for not using the proper diagnosis criteria.

her public behavior suggests she has a pretty extreme form of schizophrenia (there were a lot of documented incidents she did during the height of her bad times that could have caused serious injury to herself, her children or random people.)

Also, the sad fact of the matter is that only really rich people can afford

yeah, the venn diagram of people who would tell me how much they liked this show in the same conversation where they would enthusiastically talk about how great the latest NCIS episode was is just a single colored circle

hell, half of them would probably be dead by then

But that’s kind of the point- by the 1980s, mad magazine was a cultural niche product, rather than the 60s when it was cultural royalty. You could still be really into mad in the 80s but you could also completely miss it- that wouldnt have been true 20 years earlier.

Is also significantly more about doing actual police work then the setup would have you believe- they spend a lot of time addressing actual police procedures and why they matter

Im only slightly younger than Pete, but mad was basically dead by the time I was a kid. I remember hearing about it and I saw the picture, but I havent the foggiest idea what the joke with him was or what his deal is. I’d probably also have to Google it to get the joke.

so a few pelicans have to die to promote our movie, what of it? climate change was going to get them anyway

so they basically proved that their quest is impossible? Without mysterious outside investors (read: their parents who live in scottsdale) and the ability to return to society if they needed to, what are the odds these two would have been alive within a year of starting this thing?

yeah, you are correct- decline is wrong. the nobility was still critical and important, but there were just other, sometimes equal (sometimes not) players rising in the world. and you are also correct that the plays we now see show women often as strong an important and we should take them to some extent at face value

someone hovering over and commenting on grill technique is a critical part of the grilling experience- you’re basically breaking one of the cardinal rules of the backyard cookout by violating it.

Well, i don’t think there is a real connection between the declining importance of the nobility and any sort of rise or fall of feminism.

firstly, obviously the regular nobility didn’t actually go away, they just became significantly less important to the administration and governance of the state, because power was

well, we barely know anything about the lives of common people from this era at all- writing was difficult, materials expensive and easily destroyed by age, fire, neglect, etc. but what we do know of the nobility and wealthy is that women did wield a lot of power- the leader of england in shakespeare’s time was a

eh, there was probably more proto-feminism in this time frame than you might think. It was a time when the nobility was being slowly sidelined in a lot of ways by commoners who started to create the basis for the regal-polity era bureaucracy and civil service that eventually morphed into the modern state as we know

my preferred recipe for this doesn’t have onions, so just take a look online. its an ancient recipe with plenty of variants.