
no, but appatow- for better or worse- created the sub-genre of rom-coms starring man-child protagonists that have to grow up to match the more mature women whom they desire. like, john ford didn’t invent the western but everyone knows what is meant when someone says ‘a john ford western.’ 

i would say that pineapple express stoner comedy is a seth rogen movie and man child rom com is appatow. pineapple express is my go to for a ‘seth rogen’ movie and it is a far different film then funny people or knocked up

ehhhh.... i’d go with daniel day lewis if i was being serious (notorious weirdo though he may be) but i decaprio (talented as he is) is rarely anyone other than decaprio, when you get right down to it.

take monster era theron, compare her to furiosa, compare her to this and tell me decaprio has pulled that level of

my only quasi-counterpoint would be that it seems pretty obvious martin himself seems to be completely stymied on how to wrap up the story too. the show may not be nailing it in the most satisfying way, but martin has had over a decade to provide his alternative and there isn’t really any true indication he’s even

but then shouldn’t we say that its a judd apatow type movie? because that is what we’re really saying when we say ‘rom com with a seth rogen’ in it. rogen’s more known for his stoner comedies- his roles in these sorts of man child rom-coms are really apatows bag

it seems odd to keep saying ‘this is a seth rogen movie’ when criticizing it, when it was neither written nor directed by him and theron is by and far the bigger actor in terms of veto power in this film. given her recent slate of movies, i wouldn’t be at all surprised if she wasn’t the driving force behind this- she

e have reached the point that people are attacking random strangers because they overheard ‘spoilers’ and it might be time to take a deep breath and maybe admit that it doesn’t actually matter if you know something about movies like this ahead of time. i guessed almost all of the plot points for this movie without

especially when she signed a reality television contract to try and get rich and famous and then when she won suddenly cared deeply about her artistic integrity? if you cared that much, don’t sign the contract and go back to singing coffee shops on open mic night

wegmans sells zweigles if you’re in the right part of the country to access them. but then, they also sell weisswurst, so its kind of a wash.

honestly though.... maybe just make some? you can buy casings off amazon (they come packed in salt, and last forever.) and use a food processor to grind the meat. cheap sausage

Except the DP here has basically admitted it *was* too dark:

i mean, if you really think the majority of people watching the episode were watching it on perfectly calibrated TVs, using only a hardwired cable connection in a perfectly dark room... well, ok then. i suspect that this is likely not the case

This is wise- if this was purely artistic intent, then reserve it perhaps for specific moments to highlight the confusion that battle would bring. doing it for the entire episodes is just maddening and ultimately made the episode kind of mediocre.

i also don’t buy into the idea that i have not tuned my TV properly- i

i’m confused as to how the golden company is supposed to deal with the dragons- it has been firmly established last season that having dragons are like bringing an apache helicopter to the battle of agincourt. 10,000 mercenaries would be great if they were fighting the ragtag remnants of a mauled army.... but when you

yeah- give me some tofu with some south asian flavors- maybe some lemon grass, some chili- in a sauce that is designed to properly cling to it and serve it over some rice and i am good to go. give me some tofurkey and i will cut you so bad you’ll wish i had not cut you so bad.

i’m not even fond of those impossible

i am hardly vegetarian, but i do have vegetarian/vegan meals usually a couple times a week just because i like the recipes. but the one thing i am adamant about is that vegetarian food should *not* try and ape/fake meat products. let tofu be tofu and let a hamburger be a hamburger and everything is better for it

i hear you... .but i’ve lived in and rehabbed several houses from various era’s and sometimes those 100 year old homes are in bad shape- bad wires, bad plumbing (ask me about what happens when you attach a cast iron main stack to galvanized steel. also ask me why its a bad idea to then use a saws-all on them) and

painting the wood trim on a cheap-o piece of a modern pine (most houses since the 1950's) makes sense- they were always intended to be painted and not stained. Painting a piece of 100 year old stained oak though is a crime against humanity and should have you brought up at the hague

Also the Long-Godwin thing doesn’t strike me as a gender thing, because the movie explicitly makes it clear that he basically treats everyone that way- he’s as much of a blunt jerk to the men around him as he is to the women. Also, he’s not deceptive about it- he seems to acknowledge pretty openly to people he’s

i just go outside. who cares where they go in the yard?

i think the lighting is all messed up- it has that ‘soap opera’ feel where they just set the big lights just off camera and just run with it because they’ve got a schedule to keep