
i went 20 minutes out of my way this weekend to buy some banana’s from a shaws, despite being in the parking lot for the stop and shop already. i got home and the local news was talking about how the strike was settled

huh- my routine is actually to start the coffee maker, go for my run and have the coffee ready when i get back. i’d be tempted to switch that up, but i don’t like running with a belly full of liquid (and i don’t necessarily have the time to switch this around without getting up earlier)

true, they probably have some toad that can melt rats with its gaze

well- first, there isn’t rabies in australia (remember the johnny depp dog smuggling thing from awhile back? the reason dogs have to go through quarantine there is specifically to avoid it spreading to the continent)

but also, small animals like rats, squirrels, etc rarely contract rabies. the reason is that rabies is

i mean, they figured out how to put them on horses. by comparison a beard seems like it *should* have been easy, but here were are

it turns out that becoming a master gardener is serious business and involves a ridiculous amount of work/study. their retired and i’ll take this cute but odd garden thing over ‘actual sex cult/pyramid scam’ any day

beards only fell out of favor because mankind created chemical weapons, which is the worst reason to scorn the beard. we should celebrate that we can once more wear beards because the threat of having to go to war and wear a gas mask is no longer hanging over our head!

i was a depressed college kid who was flailing and went with my dad (who was dating a woman who was super into it at the time, probably because she was a depressed middle aged woman who had recently gotten divorced) because i was told it was a self help thing. Even then, within a few days i was skeeved right the hell

Sir, the british empire was built by beards. the civil war was won by beards- the roman empire was finally forced to deal with beards (by an emperor that also needed a beard-beard no less!) Jesus had a beard (both white church jesus and likely real looking jesus.) Beards have brought us our highest highs and many of

i knew i should have stuck around for day 5

like Noujaim i did an introductory course and found the whole experience to be off putting. i didn’t finish the week. it was a combination of creepy and sad- the stuff they were saying was creepy and the people who were into it made me sad. i thought it was just a pyramid scam though, not an insane slave cult.

when you go to school on the canadian border, you share your ice scraper. i think its a law

i once successfully entered my old 4 runner through that rear window follow an ice storm (in which i had foolishly left my scraper in said car.) in a parking lot of befuddled students staring at their entombed vehicles, i used the FOB to lower the rear window, punched out the ice, crawled through said window, started

i should clarify also that this is 2 billion in profit per year. the 8 billion in stock buyback has been over 9 years

and this is a company that made 2 billion in profit and has done over 8 billion in stock buybacks to boost shareholders over the past 9 years. 8 billion dollars would have gone a long way to help workers with their health care costs

yeah, it was a small school and our lunches were long- as students we could leave, drive 5 minutes to/from the school, order and receive lunch at an under serviced bar (this was a town that was so tourist focused that the mcdonalds was seasonal until sometime in the late 1990's, so they didn’t have a huge staff in the

i’m not judging. most of the kids were high

it does not appear that the relatively lenient deal is on the table anymore after they shot down the first offer. i think that means their choices would be to plead guilty to the full set of charges at this point or plead innocent and hope to buy time to negotiate something or worst case now, have to go to actual

i also feel like it is tonal whiplash- the comedy and the drama are so disconnected from each other. ‘hey, mae whitman left her phone in a car they tried to sink to do crime, how will they get out of this’ and then the next scene is ‘rickety cricket is a rapist, and the woman he raped ran him over, cut him into pieces

Zoe cosplaying as a jedi