
this movie was.... fine.... on HBO. i’m not sure i would feel that way if i had paid for it to be fair, but i’d watch another one.... on HBO

from the rolling stone interview he gave, he apparently was mixing all of his alcohol and drug use pretty liberally. MDMA might be fine on its own, but taken with coke, or meth or significant amounts of alcohol? that is hard to predict

as a counter-point, growing up we had an open campus for honor society students. the teachers tried to get us banned from the one bar/restaurant that was open in winter (tourist town, pretty far northern location) because they didn’t feel comfortable drinking at lunch when students were right there. this of course

if depp was really going to go this specific route, he probably shouldn’t have granted that bonkers interview to rolling stone.

outside of PR reasons, it could well be that her remaining storyline went somewhere that would be deeply weird and distracting if she does end up in jail and can’t film the next season.

this is a good reminder to set these to record

couldn’t you process the sauce in a water bath or pressure sealer? (or pasteurize it with a sous vide if you really want to go fancy.)

That does seem fair, but I was an upper middle class kid who got into college on (kind of) merit at my parents alma and I think I would have at least been suspicious if someone had talked about my polo scholarship. For the record, my grades were mediocre and I graduated with a low B and I never used the degree, so I

True, but for most of them they werent that one influencer girl- they were apparently just mediocre kids of rich people. Wouldnt you see the letter from admissions saying ‘we look forward to you on the crew team’and suspect something is off?

That was the ‘wait wait’ take- now these kids all know the exact monetary value of how dumb they are. It honestly felt slightly harsh for a public radio show, but I also am deeply skeptical that the kids didnt know something was off

everyone already knows this- dwarves make them in moria.

with the war on terror, special forces have become high profile, which is why every random sheriffs deputy and paranoid nut wants to be those guys. so they copy their mannerisms, which have become standard post 9-11 film making

its a man who wanted to murder random black people for personal reasons and yet he should not make his apology personal. i’m not tracking

i would argue that obviously you can apologize even if you aren’t sorry-you’ve more or less admitted that is true in your own comment.

And i think ultimately that is my point- apologizing can mean a lot of things. saying ‘sorry’ is very direct and can not be interpreted. so if neeson is actually sorry about what he

thats a fair take- we might just have to disagree. but i feel like what he described in his story goes beyond the idea that he could formally ‘apologize’ without taking a bit more responsibility for what that meant for him as a person and thus making his mea culpa more personal

i know a guy (who i am forced to deal with due to social circles) who owns a couple of franchises- he told me very frankly that subway thrives when the economy is doing poorly and suffers when the economy is doing well.

its two fold- one, you can get a lot of food there very cheaply thanks to the bread. even as

this is one of my all time favorite ‘this was a weird but cool thing, right?’ movies, so i’m torn if i should watch it. is it still decently out there and doing its own thing, or does it turn this into something more procedural?

i would also point out that this is not a situation where he used a slur, or said something off color, or acted boorish. this is a man who told a detailed and obviously true story about how he wanted to *murder* a random person based purely on the color of their skin as revenge for something a friend experienced. 

i honestly do believe though that there is a difference. to me, saying that you are sorry indicates are taking responsibility for what you did and internalizing why it was wrong.

yes, because he told a story about how he was willing to murder a random black person and he’s still saying stuff like: