
does anyone for a second believe that either patterson or clinton wrote a single word of this thing?

although it did give us the updated version of the mike meyers/kanye clip when clinton melted down about being asked about his history of being a gross sex pest. yeah dude, you were president, but in the #metoo error

the acting was overall very solid, even from minor characters. the plotting though.... oof. the entire first half of the first season has no actual plot development (and really, not much character development either- the actors try very hard, but they are all broadly written cliche’s who willingly and continually do

Agent Carter was nonsensical and bafflingly bad (particularly the writing) despite a very good cast who were clearly giving it their all. It also felt like disney cheaped out real hard on the show, leading it to always look kind of terrible. for example-there were a lot of obviously fake plastic plants in outdoor

its a little weird to open up talking about the ability to go to the throwback dialogue when this game notoriously brought in scabs to re-record all the dialogue when the voice actors guild was striking. the original cast would have largely come back, but they decided to screw them instead to save a few bucks

calling it right now- Justin Bieber

I suspect that this is simply looking at Rent not doing well and realizing that Hair (like Rent) became popular in a very specific time and space and largely on the power of its music and despite of its just ridiculous and often unpleasant story.

Hair (the community theatre version of it anyway) probably isn’t as bad

i use it in my pot roast, which is significantly better than the Mississippi roast nonsense

best buy was giving them away with purchases over 50 bucks at some point. the magazine would increasingly bombard you with pleas to give them money, but the wider business for them was in such bad shape at the time that it actually made more sense to keep sending them and hope you’d enjoy the content and feel guilty

that was incredibly brutal. the idea that you could watch that guy and not have anything other than tears of pain in your eyes after it is perhaps even more brutal, given your warning about the comments (which, to preserve my own sanity, i did not click on)

i have 0 interest in almost all anime. for example, i thought akira was very bad, which i understand is considered something of a genre high. Is this something that someone who generally doesn’t like that larger genre would have any interest in?

could be worse- curt schilling used his retirement to defraud the state of RI out of hundreds of millions of dollars and now spends his days being a maga chud on twitter and calling local radio stations and screaming obscenities at the baffled hosts. conseco just sounds like a run of the mill loon

i’m sure if we could sideways bomb a birthday party in syria, we would try our best

the US military has switched all of its artillery to the ‘on the side’ method, to be more intimidating

does he teach her to shoot an rifle sideways like he’s doing in the picture? Because that is really not the preferred method of firearms safety as it has been expressed to me.

i spent a few years in a place where -50 was a routine thing you had to deal with and 15 degree’s was seen as balmy (in one particular day we saw a 90 degree change and it was only 16 out at the height of the day.)

i say this to remind folks who might not be used to these temperatures to not mess around- they can hurt

I am 34 years old and I dont understand any of the words used here. I did not expect to be grandpa Simpson at 34, but here we are

Hey, Mads has to eat just like any of the rest of. he just needs fancier plates

I’ll preface by pointing out that generally i don’t judge these people on any particular personal level, because they lived in a different time and grew up in society and situations that shaped them that i didn’t experience growing up. when i point out that ERB was super racist i should probably say ‘by the standards

i was in highschool and she was from the next town over to where i grew up- i had brushed shoulders with some of her family and got to meet her a bunch of times as she got famous and did a lot of charity live events in the area. i started watching it because it was this local girl who had made it but ended up sticking

for real- that guy could not write to save himself from non euclidean geometry based monsters.