
I still very much enjoy the music, but even as a young theater kid the story seemed very suspect. as an adult it is downright appalling, not only from a messaging standpoint but also from a story perspective (its framed as a story about AIDS but the thrust of the actual plot is largely a battle against gentrification

Say what you will about block island, but i don’t see Martha’s Vineyard or Nantucket coming up with obnoxiously catchy songs about the boat that takes you there. point to block island, in my book.

although i’ve honestly never been to any of the 3. my taste in vacation trends more toward the mountains than the shore

i actually thought that Alex’s take was one of the best ones i’ve seen on that subject, especially because lovecraft gets an inordinate amount of discussion in that sphere. you dont get the same ‘but did you know he was incredibly racist?!?!?!’ taking up half of every review of a new jungle book or john carter movie

i live in MA. we all definitely still continue to believe they are uneducated and viscous. also we now know that they are also all in the mafia, so we’ve added that.

also they let insane baseball nut curt schilling con them out of hundreds of millions of dollars to make a WoW clone after MA laughed him out of the

R.I.P.D. is an incredible example of pure top to bottom incompetence. i highly recommend it on netflix with some beers.

I also give the execs behind it more credit than Tom does. For all that people complain snyder didn’t understand the character, or changed him too much its hard not to notice that those people

why would you keep tartar sauce for years? Its basically mayo and sweet relish. if you’re the sort of place that has fish fry on the menu as a courtesy to catholics during lent, you could easily whip some up on demand (and i’ve worked in a kitchen, it takes like 5 seconds) and save some money. if you’re the sort of

ignoring the greater Tommy Westphall stuff (which is often amusing but stretches into goofiness often) the fact that character John Munch had a fully credited appearance on the X-files makes me smile when watching any of the L&O titles. seeing lenny brisco cracking wise about some murder and also knowing that


my wife has been watching it and i saw one of the sections where she does the book thing. Not to judge other people’s book ideas, but the ones she wanted them to get rid of were not the collected work of shakespeare- they were mass market paperback stuff that are unlikely to be re-read.

as earworm kids songs go, this one seems kind of fun. i’ll take it over frozen

werewolves, but like, angsty

CSI has been in the ION rotation and i have to admit- i always assumed it was just a dumb procedural (never watched it when it aired) but its actually fairly smart, has a decent sense of humor and did some interesting stuff for its time. compared to NCIS, CSI was the collected work of shakespeare

i’m super digging ‘golf story’ which is a little humor heavy RPG/very light golf arcade style game about a guy trying to become a golf champion

the wheelchair

i barely even know who half of those are. killmonger was interesting, but they killed him after one movie, so he’s a total dead end and thanos is boring. i can’t even recall what those other ones you mentioned are, which may be more on me then the movies, but it is what it it is.

and to be fair, i find the marvel

it would be nice if they made him more loki-esque, but marvel has shown a terminal inability to create any interest bad guys, so i suspect it will just be a mess

i like to think about the satan of the old testament as kind of like a mischievous badger

i actually decided awhile back that i prefer not to dice my onions. i like them halved and then sliced into very, very thin slices, so i end up with onion strings in everything. its weird getting old

i would say that 6 makes a little more sense (assuming they open for dinner at 4 and allow kids for the first hour) to allow people with kids to get there between 4 and 4:30 and still reasonably have dinner and a drink and then leave without being super rushed. but after 6 if they want an adult only crowd (especially

as i recall, he was playing one of the weyland family who founded the company that would eventually build the androids- presumably in the image of their founder. it was dumb (as was that whole movie, although largely inoffensively dumb), but it didn’t technically break continuity