
if those two tweets are the apex of his twitter genius, i worry about the future of the daily show

i very much enjoyed this movie but about 2/3rds of the way through i turned to my wife and actually said ‘who the fuck thought this movie was a good idea?’ i know there were a bunch of people like myself who wanted an extremely long, very strange, beautiful and dense sequel to blade runner but i can’t imagine why they

so to follow on with my question on the preview article awhile back- are these people presented as actually members of the romanov family (of which there are a whole bunch- it was a pretty big family and a fair number managed to go into exile with a decent pile of cash) or are all of them some version of the various

perhaps a box containing the magical formula that let’s pat roberts leg press 2000 lbs?

does anyone really believe that if they dug up bill donohue’s yard they wouldn’t find dozens of murdered run away kids?

is it frank stallone?

surely you are not speaking of Kylie *Minogue* the star of 1994's hit ‘Street Fighter’?

it was honestly kind of amazing. plus it was the 30th reunion, so these folks must have been roughly between ages 46 and 50- hardly a group of young hotheads.

and on reunions, the last time i went in that bar on a more recent visit (admittedly around thanksgiving) there were 8 people that i went to highschool with in

i feel like John C. Reilly is turning into a stealth super star- he’s all over the place right now and in a lot of really interesting and different genre’s

so far as i know, my high school has stopped doing them- its a small town and only a relatively small handful of people actually left and with facebook sort of seeing its rise in the first few years after graduation its so easy to catch up without having to jump through the hoops.

however, a few years ago i was

i can’t watch french movies- i know just enough french to be constantly distracted by individual words and immediately trying to figure out what they mean causing me to miss stuff. i’d have to play it on mute with the subtitles on, which seems kind of pointless

even if they’re big failures, they appear headed to being strange and therefore potentially interesting failures. marvel makes good movies, but they aren’t particularly interesting or strange (even dr strange was still a pretty straight up 3 act marvel movie.) it may not make them popular with their investors, but i

Outside of the politics of the show, this return is baffling. Even assuming its ratings remain the same (or even go up amongst its target audience) how do they expect to make any money? Their target audience is older and more rural (both demographics being much harder to sell ads to) and the stars are expecting

i felt sad to hear this. then i remembered that kiss was always a shitty band who leaned on weird nonsense theatrics and sucked at music and that everyone in the band was a garbage person, which also made me sad. then i felt sad that they even existed at all. so thanks for that barsanti. you made me sad

i think that the disney ‘star wars universe’ vs. ‘marvel universe’ is going to make a fascinating case study in some business journal in a few years.

it seemed when they first announced the new star wars idea that they had a pretty solid concept- a trilogy with an arc that would follow up on how the previous trilogies

I really enjoyed Black Lightning and i am deeply hoping that they keep that show in its own separate universe. as much as i generally enjoy the arrowverse, i don’t think BL can work in that world as effectively as it has as its own separate thing

well, did you shoot up a long john silvers with an AK or what?

the other thing is- we all know already. i grew up in a small town and i now live in a 1960's era suburb, where the houses all have little pocket yards and are 15 feet apart (actual measurement, not hyperbole.)

the old guy 3 doors down sells pot, the couple across the street are having debt issues (i got one of their

i would be horrified if my neighbors found out that i occasionally do some electrical work around my house without pulling a permit and that i watch pornography on the internet. truly, what horrors we all hide behind our masks

depends- you can give them to people in your will (they default to your next of kin/estate if nobody is specified) or your estate can sell them to a dealer (if they are worth it) or can contact law enforcement to take possession and destroy them

Ed: it also depends on the collection- state laws vary (so say someone