
You are both right- Xerxes I was the child of Darius I and named his first born son Darius. a lot of the dynasties in those days were big on re-using names, which is a huge headache when reading about them now (especially in this case since Xerxes son, crown prince darius, never took the throne and thus doesn’t even

Some of this seems kind of weird- is the idea that these are people who *think* they are descended from the Romanov family (for example, the many people who were either scammers or delusional who claimed they were surviving members of Czar Nicholas’s family) or is this a story of what happened to the dozens (and now

rednecks gonna redneck

I clicked on this link expecting to finally see the gritty Christine O’Donnel origin story i’ve been waiting for and am leaving dissapointed

i mean, have you seen the average size of a true American patriot these days? i think we’ll be all set on the roast

i got marinated mushrooms and artichokes, which are really easy to prep ahead, so i’m all set

your argument makes no sense.

the article states that this is a surface level movie which just uses lazy tropes where ‘brown people are evil because of course they are evil’ to excuse a white savior blowing them all away. maybe this is true to the movie, maybe it is not- its not out yet, but that is the argument made

first- garner is clearly the protagonist and the person we are supposed to root for- she enacts the righteous revenge that you want in a movie like this. one of the reasons that worked really well in john wick is that they played with the reasoning- he kills all of his former employers because they killed his dog

i wonder if some of it has to do with work/life balance. “we’ll pay you 10 million to star in ‘30 going on 13' which will be mostly filmed in 5 months here in LA with a couple of weeks of being put up in a hotel in NY or whatever city we’re pretending this is in and all you need to do to prepare is look like you

those are all bad examples- sicario shows that the ‘bad guy’ is also a family man himself, who has a family he clearly loves. the corrupt cop is a guy who is just trying to make a little money for his family in a corrupt system. the ‘good guy’ americans can be ruthless and amoral.

breaking bad shows a lot of different

if anything, we should give him credit for somehow managing to get 3 small children with minimal acting experience to not make a total hash of the thing

look up ‘the letter from a birmingham jail’ and then read pretty much anything on the civil rights movements of the mid century and civil disobedience and its ability to effect change.

many of us have regular jobs and families that we can’t always drop to go protest or stand up in person to oppose things like this- particularly in our nations capital, since most of us don’t live there.

piper presumably has the money to take time away from her work and she has the flexibility in her schedule to be

plus Viggo is a very nice, but deeply artsy-weird guy who made enough money off of LOTR that he will never do anything again in his life that is not done purely for his own artistic muse. the only way he’d even touch something like this show would be if he learned polish and they filmed it in black and white and

that has long been a hallmark of english actors- there is an ethos of acting still being very much a ‘working man’s job’ over there that has calcified. in the states, acting has a reputation as more of an artistic expression and if you are a very serious actor you shouldn’t take dreck for money (even though everyone

The fact that you’re quibbling with my off the cuff hypothetical ways he could work to help women and not focusing on the fact be wronged them and did nothing to atone says a lot more about the general mindset of people like ck then it does about my hypotheticals

There is no way a person as recognizable as him has been doing anything quietly in the age of the internet. He hasn't done anything and we all know it. He is the guy who claimed in his apology that he needed to listen and step back. Why didnt he do that?

i feel like if CK had made even the slightest effort toward atonement that people would be generally accepting. but he’s done nothing- as far as anyone can tell he was hanging around his mansion being rich for 10 months. if he’d devoted some time to battered women shelters, or maybe taken some classes or worked with

You are essentially wrong- and I dont mean that as an attack or anything. Ansari was a clueless dope who seemed to have good intentions and who’s apologies seemed (if anything) over the top. C.K. comes across as a full bore predator who failed to say he was sorry and has returned without grappling with what he did. He

i randomly caught a few episodes of real sex a year or so ago and it was pretty cringey- despite being pretty open, it was also pretty sensationalized in a somewhat negative way. if they wanted to re-boot it with a more modern, inclusive take, i’d be down, but its probably best to remove the stuff they had up there.