
i make that one. the other nice thing is they have a north african inspired beef recipe you can use as toppings, so if you have a mix of vegetarian/vegans and meat eaters you can easily offer a meal that pleases both factions and can even be mostly made ahead of your guests arriving. it makes a perfectly good and

i actually just got around to blade runner 2049 and as we were perhaps 3/4's in i turned to my wife and said ‘this is a really fucking weird movie’. Not to say i think that is a bad thing- i adore the original and weird is better than boring (i watched the last jedi a week ago and was bored out of my mind)- but i was

Ah, Luke Cage. The marvel property that truly elevated its ‘killing your only compelling villian’ to something approaching Shakespearean tragedy. Could they have known that their first tier villian was about to have a huge year? Maybe. But either way, they blew it

this was actually a solid show- it wasn’t flashy, but it had a decent cast of ‘that guys’ and a solid hook. it might have done better if it hadn’t been attached to the taken franchise

and you know what- said same great grandson can type that as an american, sitting in a bar in shanghai, while watching a dutch tv show with headphones on with his cell phone.

now get off my lawn

listen son, when i was wee lad in the dark days of the 1990's, living in a distant but nice suburb of a medium sized city, i could only dream of movies that were not playing in the regal cinema. i would hear of interesting movies in those days of yore and would wish i could see them, but there was no possibility

few can afford the luxury ‘these days’?

you should be thanking anything you hold sacred that you even have the leisure time to experience art at all, since you’re likely a westerner with access to museums, a 40 hour work week, disposable income, transportation and public spaces. go back ~200 years and you’d have been

i think that its a lot easier to avoid the crap in the first place now that i can access a wealth of reviews and opinions from my phone, anywhere on the globe up to and including LEO.

blockbusters- the big tentpole/summer movie- started with jaws in 1975. RT wasn’t even a thing until 1998 and really didn’t become the

no, that is because entertainment companies have become massive vertical monopolies that require vast profits to satisfy the market and investors. If RT and netflix both dissapeared tomorrow, disney isn’t going to suddenly start funding low profit art films instead of the avengers.

“[Audiences] can also turn a picture off and go straight to the next piece of content,”

from wikipedia:
“A feature film based on the novel is currently in development at Universal Pictures

“produced by Dwayne Johnson
ah ok, could be dumb fun

“and starring fellow WWE alumni, John Cena, as Paul Janson.”
eh, i mean, he’s gotten a lot better from his direct to video work and has some decent comedic supporting

the guy in clerks wasn’t trying to make iced coffee at the quik-stop (hell, that isnt even how you make iced coffee) he was trying to reduce the amount of time before it was cool enough to drink it safely. lots of people put ice in their coffee because the coffee comes out of the cheap commercial machine at an

i’m in shanghai for work right now and i can report it is everywhere- restaurants, bars, shopping centers. i had no idea it was a new or trending song and just assumed it was some older pop hit i’d missed along the way (i’m not really hooked into pop music culture much and am already in the ‘all this sounds the same

i think my thought process is that the only way these milquetoast historical ‘mysteries’ could be interesting is if you went full bore tinfoil hat on them.... but they already did that with all these ‘ancient aliens’ and even as far back as ‘in search of’ shows. if they did a show claiming that goat men came out of

i guess, but those ‘mysteries’ are really lame. even the ‘ancient aliens’ nutty stuff has been beat to death. also, there isn’t a huge amount of controversy over either of those in the academic world- general consensus is that troy existed and might have had conflicts with the greeks but schliemann was an unethical

i love putting crazians in my muffins

i’m sure it was great, but sometimes a movie might want to change some awkward aspects of its source material to make it a little bit more appealing. If i saw a link talking about ‘crazy rich asians’ on somewhere other than AV club, i probably wouldn’t click on it because i wouldn’t be sure it wasn’t some sketchy

you know what, i’m actually on board for that now. get on that malaysian TV!

‘Crazy Rich Asians’ seems like a terrible name- it sounds like some horrible racist youtube video that would be shared on reddit or a bad translation of malaysia’s version of real housewives.

i caught it on HBO and it was... astonishing. its one of those movies where i want to poll the people making it and find out if they all knew it was absolutely terrible the whole time, or did they honestly think they were making something good?