
federal prison is the opposite of that- it tends to be a tightly run ship because the feds have the resources and relatively low numbers of prisoners. they also don’t get a lot of the run of the mill violent offenders types because those crimes don’t typically involve the federal government. the state prisons are

a hobo on meth

having actually done one of their week long sessions in the past and observing them up close, i can confirm that if she rose to that level within the organization she would not have been mistreated- like scientology, they went far out of their way to fete and pamper celebrity members and guests because it gave an

if the shoe fits?

it would have been more interesting if they had actually had him follow the book/bible more closely. look at the header image- that is not a man who is actually following the bible (as ridiculous as some of the restrictions in it might be)- clean shaven, wearing a shirt that is a blend, nothing on his head. there is

That kind of makes sense, since the RE movies and the MK movie had the same director

Id be willing to buy that hes something of a savant, but I balk at the idea of genius.

I kind of liked it- action was decent, pretty good visuals, the rock as the bad guy did an excellent job, and the cast was above average. I actually rather enjoyed the first person section too- it was a gimmick, but more ambitious than you normally got in a b movie.

i mean though- what is a nerd but a prissy doofus? hell, i think you just may have defined us in all of our ‘but actually han shot first’ glory by saying that.

My uncle is actually in the Philharmonic, so this bizarre take on it never landed with me. The people are so delightfully normal and boring irl! Making them out to be eccentric ARTISTS was just too ridiculous

it does seem odd that a site that has traditionally worn its nerd heart on its sleeve has decided to back the jock over the nerd in this equation.

‘also that swan looked real sexy. the park police were infringing on my religious rights!’

seriously though, we need to bring back the greek pantheon. those guys knew how t0 make a religion fun

pick a side for the main meal that is either prepared ahead or can be easily re-heated in an oven (which is a gentler way of heating and thus will be more impressive.) Another good possibility is a salad- they are typically easy to prepare ahead and involve multiple ingredients, which tends to be impressive.


the old gypsy woman disagrees. also, i don’t know how to spell gypsy, it turns out

so i was brought by my father, and it was still mostly a self help group for rich people (on its face.) it turned out his (now) wife had gotten really into it and they were essentially a pyramid scheme- you paid 2k to take a week long course. as you went on if you could bring in newer people, you would get a lesser

killed by gypseys

african or european?


its a scam but turn it to your advantage- learn how to make bread soup

boxer briefs, and only the combo ones that are designed for camping. i do all of my wash in the bathroom sink