
of course

when i was there the nexium thing was just the organized name- it was still mostly referred to as ESP (executive success program) which seemed like exactly the sort of generic name a generic self help program would use

for me it was the weird obsession with taking the shoes off. my feet get cold and i was the only one of the entire group who refused. generally speaking it was the use of these ‘titles’ instead of names. calling someone ‘prefect’ was deeply weird

when i was actually young? 40 yards or so. these days, i’d probably miss it completely and look dumb

i actually was briefly associated with these guys. ask me anything

ok, but what does Charlemagne, the long dead king of the Franks, think?

screw toys r’ us. they advertised the going out of business sale and i’m having a kid later this year, so i swung by the local one to see if i could pick up a carseat on the cheap- their website claimed it was 15% off.

yeah, that was a lie. it was 15% off if you had a trade in coupon from a previous purchase (not

thing is, if they didn’t do that they probably don’t hire her in the first place. they needed at least some actors/actresses with name recognition to advertise and sell this show world wide. if you don’t hire lithgow and smith (both of whom have wide and respected global name recognition) then you have to hire a

so wait- this takes the side of the Rajneeshee? i mean, the pseudo ‘first act’ of this story (somewhat out-there eastern religious cult functionally takes over a small town and the hostile locals end up in conflict with them) is pretty standard and is a ‘both sides have a point’ situation. but the second act, where

is it not a fair question? the argument of ‘well, when the russians were releasing stuff that supported my political views, it was ok’ is how we ended up with donald trump.

so let me get this straight- when donald trump works with wikileaks and their russian backers to release hillary clinton’s emails, the AV club thinks this is bad, but when chelsea manning works with wikileaks and their russian backers to release a whole lot of US military secrets, they think this is good.

what mental

generally on the wave riders like the one in the picture you’re sitting back a little bit, mostly on your butt, rather than leaning forward like a sport style motorcycle. my recollection from many years back is that it was more noticeable as strain on the back then anywhere else

basically the same reason people like motorcycles- a way to achieve high speed and out sized performance on a fraction of the budget of a full sized option

that was my take- this portrayal would have been offensive 20 years ago, but it is frankly baffling in this day and age. the review says the trope is that the child will ground the flighty adult, but i would hope that in this case, the adult would change the child into somewhat less of a hate crime

the bibbletickles looked distinctly like the old school pre-tolkien conception of elves- pointy ears, narrow faces and toothy grins

its not like it matters- 1 year of probation and 5k in fines, max

yes, but they appreciated how sophisticated it was at a time when other american writers were significantly less interesting.

that said, i’ve always found moby dick to be ultimate example of literary projection- people like faulkner praised it as an unsung classic because they read it as iconoclastic in its refusal to

was that a thing? most of what i recall was that it was regarded as relatively middling- fun but thin, which is probably a little generous but not completely unfair.

because it represents a specific time of american writing, when the idea of american writers have a distinct voice that represented them was relatively new. it only became ‘important’ in the early 1900's (somewhat ironically, one of its main boosters never actually even read the entire book- he had an english edition

yes, but moby dick is considered widely unreadable without skipping large sections- and it was at the time. it was a commercial flop and it was widely disliked by critics. it falls more into the status of ‘important’ books, rather then ‘good.’