
yeah, i’m stretching to try and figure out in what way solo was a thief when we first meet him. i guess dumping your cargo when being boarded by the authorities is a theft of a kind?

also, what sort of resort closes on a holiday, when people have time to go on a long ski weekend? especially a ski place, which will end up closed for a decent chunk of the year anyway. those guys need every bit of income they can get when its in season

i’m always torn by Al’s returns to his roots- i legit love polka and i’m not sure whether his polka parodies actually help or hurt the wider enjoyment of a fun musical style. he tends to lean very hard into the fast paced stuff (it obviously lends itself well to his love of the accordion) but there is a lot more to

donnie- same hate crimes but he also married a mass murderer

how did that movie not do well? it was damn near perfect

yeah, they are basically slasher films after the first one- you root for the ridiculous kills, not necessarily for the character

ditto. because they are correctly locked in a locker in my basement where they can’t accidentally harm someone, which is far greater worry than a home invasion.

I don’t mind the gambi secrets. Unlike arrow or flash, this isn’t a case where the audience knows something as fact and has to watch characters lie to each other for no reason. We are nearly as in the dark about him as BL seems to be, which comes across as more intriguing than frustrating to me

in what universe did papa johns ever make ‘medium-good’ pizza? the only pizza they ever were better than was dominoes, and even they turned it around and overtook them years ago. i will eat months old no-brand gas station pizza before i eat papa johns

because i follow entertainment news about movie festivals and movies that get a lot of buzz for being interesting and out there. then, if the reviews are intriguing enough i mark it down to see where it ends up for distribution or i’ll see someone in movie threads recommend a somewhat obscure film and do the same.


its also a matter of practicality- if they lane split through traffic to escape, its nearly impossible for the police to catch them- a cruiser obviously can’t follow and someone on foot or a bicycle cant catch up to them. the big motorcycle cruisers the police ride are too big to weave in and out of traffic and over

bad for movies because it pays decent money to interesting, independent films that would historically have appeared at a few distant film festivals, during the middle of the week before having a brief 2 week run in LA and NY and then disappearing completely and then i would never get to see them?

bad because their

I think a lot of those early adopters forgot (or more likely, given the anarcho-libertarian nature of a lot of those people, specifically opposed) the importance of gatekeepers and curation of the full stretch of human knowledge. Most of human knowledge through history was bad takes, propaganda, porn and unhinged

boy, cocaine and quick deadlines really led to some lazy comic book character names

maybe disney could afford to match donations for a charity that would gives kids in need food, or shelter or something more than a ticket to the movie of a corporation that is wealthier than many countries where children are starving?

JFK started the program to ‘throw them out on the street.’ That gives us 50+ years to have addressed the issue. if you want to just give credit to democrats, that is 1 and a half johnson terms, 1 carter, 2 clinton and 2 obama, several of those with congressional majorities. that doesn’t even address the republicans.


you know, the old wag about reagan throwing the mentally ill out has gotten somewhat tiresome. at the time, people with major psychiatric disorders were subjected to defacto imprisonment in massive, sprawling state and private mental facilities, despite having committed no crime. once effective anti-psychotic

damn, its taken him this long to sober up and realize what he said? impressive

ha, that’s ironic because the gunboat sequence doesn’t use the ‘fortunate son’- that music queue is earlier, when you arrive on the keh sanh base. the music they use over the gunboat sequence is sympath for the devil and its actually still a pretty good sequence, but clearly not that memorable

i do indeed love SG-1. if this hewed a bit closer to that model, i’d be pretty pleased