
i hope that they don’t do too much serialization. serialized storytelling is great and all, but a solid ‘planet/monster’ of the week setup with decent characters and reasonably good production values would actually be the bolder storytelling choice in our current TV world. sometimes i just want to have a show on that

so, did nobody from youtube consider that fact that there is a reason that Zabka and Macchio haven’t had long term acting careers? like, the minor point that both of them are charles barkley levels of turrible, just turrible at acting?

i felt like Kimmy wasn’t really all that central to season 3, and it was much to the seasons detriment. her only real thread was the college one, which was incredibly lazy, weirdly mean spirited and really soured me on the season

meanwhile, shaq is standing in front a green screen, doing a commercial for the general and muttering to himself ‘what might have been!’

they did a ghost hunters at this really crappy house down the street from where i used to live- it was one unit 1980's era tri-plex, thrown up on a bit of property that was clearly ill suited for the building. the people bought it at auction in 2007 and were basically calling in the ghost hunters in 2008.

i know this,

honestly if that clause was filled out as ‘yes’ i’d want to at least know what sort of haunting, because that could mean that there are some unknown safety issues in the house, like a gas/CO2 leak.

also having seen ghost hunters more than a few times, a lot of those hauntings are just crappy or old homes with clueless

even reading this with the most generous of thoughts, this essentially is ‘oh god, i am terrified that things are changing and i will have to go work at walmart because i am incapable of adapting.’ netflix will either find an audience or they wont, but concern trolling comes across as nothing less than sad

Edit: also,

the last time i was in a movie theater i nearly fought a guy because he thought it was funny that his kid and friend were talking all the way through it. i started with turning around and glaring, then shushing multiple times, then asking them to be quiet in full sentences, then asking the adult present to shush them,

check the couch cushions, you can buy one on amazon for $279 right now. for comparison, a 19 inch sony CRT in 1996 would have set you back $340 (540ish with inflation.)

also, no obnoxious people with the death flu who had to sit right behind me, despite a near empty theater.

the whole ‘your tv isn’t as big as a movie screen’ has always seemed kind of silly. i mean, it isn’t, but i’m also not sitting 100 feet away from it in a balcony either. its not like its 1994, with 20 inch CRTs being a rich person’s luxury. 50+ inch TV screens are practically door prizes these days

despite my CW station sharing an owner with another local station, they decided to play the exact same coverage of the SOTU on both channels instead of BL. is there nothing trump can not ruin?

its not like every remotely interesting thing said wont be endlessly picked apart for days, allowing you to see it without the endless clapping and backslapping

i’m sure it will have to be more books. even assuming he starts book 3 with the ‘fall from grace’ right off the bat, that still suggests at minimum 2 more.

but really, the 7 year gap and GRRM like ‘doing literally everything but writing’ public personae suggests he simply has no idea where to go next and he’s

i can assure you he only got worse with the female characters, which actually get pretty close to ‘actively gross’ territory at points.

i was generally willing to give the main character the benefit of the doubt in the first book because i liked the setup- he’s telling his own story from a position of utter ruin,

i got the sex with ninja’s before i through up my hands in disgust, but really my biggest issue wasn’t even with the characterization going so deeply off the rails. i was far more annoyed that in a claimed ‘trilogy’ i was now something like 2,000 pages in, across two books and yet the story was still parked in act 1,

are we sure they aren’t the same person? has anyone ever seen them in the same room?

i do agree- the first book was actually pretty decent fun, but the second book was wretched. if the 3rd book ever does happen, it would require pretty positive reviews to get me back, especially since it seems like there would have to be several more. the plot hasn’t really advanced since about midway through book 1

all of the tedious descriptions and likelihood it will never be finished of GRRM with the addition of a main character that would make the most egregious fan fiction writer blush- now with crazy angles and lots of fast zooms!

warhammer 2, tomb kings. so obsessed i’ve been blowing of work