
It's a bit dated- it's more of a 90s thing when Indian places were exotic and only found in big cities. The diarrhea stuff came about because people who visit India often get it. It's difficult to go anywhere and not experience some difficulty in that respect, but combined with the exotic food, it became a running

but arya can still steal faces despite not having bought into the religious aspect, which implies the magic is more of a skill than something granted by divine power

wait, fish isn't counted as meat in ukraine?

everyone knows that a lady super hero can't have her own movie!

its based on a very old russian novel, so i'm guessing they figured spoilers were beside the point. that said, i found this film to have missed the entire point of the original story, which was (to my mind) in its detriment.

Sure- I usually use psychopath because it at least matches the idea that the issue is something you're born with. I just find sociopath to be deeply misleading

the current term is neither- the clinical term is 'anti-social personality disorder.'

It was a different time!

Huge digression- sociopath is no longer a term/concept that is accepted by the medical community. 'Socio' means society and we've discovered that psychopathy is a trait one is born with- you can't train someone to have a psychopathic brain.

when it comes down to it, the luke cage actor is not very good and the writing was terrible. nothing in the series made any sense and the entire thing was so bad i quit 3/4 of the way through. i realize that iron fist was critically disliked, but i watched that all the way through in a near binge, but luke cage took

they've always pandered to that demographic because they *are* that demographic. they're the ideal of libertarianism rendered into physical form

Originally the plan was to present it in black and white, aping the look of classic creature features. The studio chickened out on it but the b&w version is on one of the DVD releases. I haven't seen the entire thing, but both the shooting style and chintzy effect work looked a lot better in the part I saw

just to be clear- does the ketchup you're eating come from the grocery store and have the word 'ketchup' on it, or does it come from auto zone and have the word 'prestone' on it? because it sounds like you may have hit on one of the classic blunders- accidentally putting prestone brand coolant on your french fries

they seemed to think that fox news viewers watched her because she was a great journalist. the real reason is because the only channel they watched at all was fox news. the actual person on at any given moment (with the possible exception of bill-o, who did seem to have a specific audience) wasn't actually important

yeah, his cornball with a wink style of hosting made it a fun show to serve as background for sunday night dinner prep. alfonso is just corny and makes me feel vaguely bad for him

and that is probably part of what the critics didn't get- it was ultimately trying to turn a lot of those tropes on their head (even if it still played into them to some extent because, well, you need to get funding.) its aged gracefully because it both exemplified and mocked the ridiculousness of the 80's action

historically, whenever you see these levels of economic instability and a lack of shared sacrifice, you will begin to see acts of violence against the ruling classes begin to become common. you can see this in popular culture tracing back to legends like 'robin hood' a man who ambushed and killed agents of the state,

I'm assuming that since this is on basic cable that it doesn't actually have nudity or significant swearing and the gore isn't that extreme? Even with that, it sounds like it could get tiring fairly quickly

oh come on- ivanka and her ilk are terrible, but all the clothing we buy is from sweatshops and we collectively haven't done anything to change that. we americans are hardly in a place to criticize ivanka when we've turned a blind eye to the predation of this entire industry in the name of cheap clothing for decades

i have the exact opposite opinion- burgess's character is not capable of anchoring a working show and the sidelining of kimmy in her own show has delivered diminishing returns since the second half of season one.