
a few hundred or thousands of people in cities that have hundreds of thousands or millions of residents?

to pretend that the current younger generation is nearly as racist as the generations who literally created and enforced an apartheid state at the end of a gun because of twitter is laughable revisionism. your generation are still horrific racists grandpa, you might as well own it

this seems like a better idea than the 360 deal- a lot of people still have perfectly fine working 360's with their game disks still within easy access. the original xbox is getting a bit harder to find… but perhaps oddly the biggest problem i see with the original xbox is that everything is wired and the wireless

calling Minnesota a 'state' seems overly kind

it almost sounds like the AV club is defending noted liar and racist crap bag chris kyle, a man who bragged about murdering dozens of US citizens in what (we hope) was racial motivated lies. ventura is shit house rat levels of crazy, but defending himself against kyle's obvious and ridiculous lies is probably the

dingo gonna eat that baby

i basically have felt like her arrival has heralded a downward spiral each season, if that makes you feel better

Exactly… best case scenario it comes across as Stockholm syndrome, which is hardly ideal.

the problem is that titus is such a ridiculous cartoon character (even by the standards of the show) that its hard to imagine how anyone could possibly stand to be around him for more than a few hours. given that the show has admitted that he's an awful human being over and over again (two whole episodes of this

If the admiralty hadn't weenied out on forcing the straits, it would have been unnecessary anyway

he does a good job in the movie, but he doesn't resemble JFK in any reasonable way.

SG1 managed to make the same stretch of woods and empty gravel pit outside of vancouver look like lots of alien planets!

i used to drive through desolate areas a lot, in winter, with a tiny little car that weighed about 40 lbs soaking wet. i always kept a case of the pre-cooked, pop open, chunky soups and a few gallons of water in the trunk (as well as a few heavy blankets and one of those hand cranked radio/phone chargers.) as far as i

i hunt and we obsess about the clothing- sweat up some clothes and then sit down for a few hours in 28 degree weather and you'll also become obsessed with your clothing. its that or become incredibly cold and uncomfortable, incredibly quickly. not a big deal when you can quickly get up and go back to the cabin and

i work for an isreali company, with a lot of isrealis. i have been told that the palestinians are not real and they never lived there until the jordanians sent them in to the otherwise uninhabited lands, just to sabotage isreal. also, they are animals who deserve everything that happens to them. its fascinating to see

i think the jodah friedlander example shows why the college kid jokes didn't really land- in his bit, we get the entire thing about him being a crazy conspiracy theorist, we get the gags of titus doing his thing and suddenly finding something too offensive to sing, which we have been primed to assume is another one of

the problem isn't who its mocking, its that its neither smart nor funny. to me the thing that made this so baffling was that the entire storyline had this air of "boy, we're going to really say something here and really take this 'woke' culture thing on! ol' tina has some hot takes to lay on us here!" and then the

i'm with you- i think a big part of it is the relative lack of kimmy in this season. she barely has a plot or storyline and the few things they do throw at her they abandon or ignore just as quickly. the whole thing has been mostly frustrating.

is it just me, or was the editorializing particularly saucy today?

guys, i don't think even kanye can own all of the 'wolves'. they are wild animals and many of them are not for sale