
teddy roosevelt went into the jungle after his many exploits and came out a wasted shell of himself (and he did a relatively guided tour by the standards of the time.) if teddy 'i once fought a cougar with a knife for fun' roosevelt ran back home with his tail between his legs, what hope do we mere mortals have?

i think we can all agree that calling them ghost pirates makes it way, way cooler

wow, i had no idea it had been remade, let alone so shoddily. well, thank god they left 'the thing' alone

how come nobody is remaking 'the fog'? i want some ghost pirate revenge, damnit!

well, lets think about this scientifically- if we keep bombing them, natural selection would suggest that they will eventually select for only people who are bomb resistant. in a few generations of bombing, they'll be nearly immune, which will keep them safe. science!

its mostly sad that this man doesn't have family or friends who can intercede and get him much needed help for his obvious mental illness. people like this man slip through the cracks every day.

I recently tried pizza Hutt for the first time in probably 10 years… And it has not held up to my memories. Luckily I found a local place that makes pizza that tastes like my old memories say pizza Hutt did, so I'm happy

i see his 'begging' as revealing a deep sense of entitlement. this is a character who felt like he could stop working to pursue a very long shot career in stand up comedy and his wife would just have to support him. this is also a character who was obviously emotionally and physically unavailable to his wife in that

ah, chipotle. too fancy to be a taco bell-esque hangover binge meal, too unhealthy to compete with the sweet green's of the world, too prone to causing horrific stomach issues to claim the moral high ground on their 'all natural' stuff, too tasteless to compete with even mediocre tex-mex places and too pricey and

well, he literally demanded his ex-wife (a woman who left him because he had subverted her entire life to his own selfish needs as a mediocre stand up) take him back because he didn't have a place to live and no money (both of which she had always provided for him.)

so one thing i'm finding confusing- by his actions, peter is a pretty bad person but the show seems to think i should be rooting for him. i can't tell if he's supposed to be a loveable loser and they're missing the mark or if it honestly doesn't realize that the guy at the center of the narrative is a toxic person

he records very quick promo's that appear on the late night TV local broadcast stations where he threatens to kill off characters that are apparently in his books if you don't buy them.

does alec baldwin really think he is more beloved as a pop actor than harrison ford?

i must admit, i'm digging this PBE song

i had never put it together until i saw it written there. i feel a bit slow

and all of it is done by one angry australian

anyone who advises you should drink a cucumber beer does not have your best interest in mind. they are pranking you and you should hit them with a pipe until they stop twitching

but, but, but… aaron hernandez has murdered 3 people and attempted to murder 2 more *that we know of*

of all of the sports stars who have done horrible real life things (greg hardy almost got a job in arena football today) you picked tom brady? one of his teamates was an *actual* serial killer for years as an active player, ffs!

yes, but thanks to hindsight their shenanigans (which were a lot worse than ours) were just harmless fun and nobody got hurt. the kids today have rap music and minorities and bath salts! its totally different!