
thats the sort of decisive leadership that we need to make westeross great again

or just post whatever random twitter thread they've been reading instead of doing actual work and call it GJI!

sure, but the irony of people furiously typing on chrome about what an outrage it is than an ISP might sell your browsing information is more than a little on the nose

i mean, it was a funny article, but maybe its time to just admit you were wrong barsanti?

if you're using one of the mainstream browsers you're already letting a massive corporation track every action you take online and sell it.

When I saw the first promo for this, I thought I had suffered from a stroke and was in the middle of a Jacobs ladder situation

souvlaki is a kebab, usually served on the stick with some bread and potato. a gyro is thinly sliced meat, cooked on a rotisserie and then served in a wrap

i enjoyed both games, but they were super, duper easy. even on the hardest difficulty your weapons are extremely accurate and a headshot kills almost any enemy with a single hit.

all the kids want to be carefree bike messengers now!

in that clip above you can tell how shoddy it is even without HD, so it probably wont matter that much?

you and i went to the same highschool?

given shaq's long reputation as a prankster, did anyone really think he was serious?

Whenever I'm feeling hopefully about the world, gji! manages to come in and remind me that Twitter is a thing humanity invented and seems obsessed with. Thanks Twitter and gji!

to some extent. very few of their products actually use flowering plants that require pollination. they use grains, which are mostly pollinated by wind and less fruits and nuts, which usually require pollinators. nor are the commercial pollinators in any particular danger (i.e. the honeybee) because they are

old people voted for donald and now he's going to starve them to death. i'm not really seeing where the issue is with this situation.

i live in boston, so going to NY on the acela makes a lot more sense then flying. sure, the price is the same but when you factor in the travel to the airport on each end and the security rectal exam (plus free internet, big seats) it makes sense.

i checked and it was actually myths and legends that ran it. i think you can read the original on the internet pretty easily and quickly either way

i heard the original story on the lore podcast awhile back and its a real doozy- a lot less creepy in some ways, a whole helluva lot weirder in pretty much every other way. highly recommend it, if just as interesting counterpoint to the disney-fication strategy

considering every 10 year old duplex with a poorly secured hot water heater in the US is apparently haunted as shit, english houses must super haunted

sure, but its also one of the most popular shows on tv, so the logic is 'people will pay us boatloads of money to trot out cheap stereotypes that don't challenge us.'