
isn't that the entire character from the big bang theory?

i think P&R has found a strong following on streaming. a lot of people (myself included) were turned off by the terrible first season and only discovered it later when it became available to binge

There also is this weird thought that exposing them outside of their online handle will cause some sort of backlash against them. I assure you that their peer group in their small Midwestern town already 100% agree with them or are a cowed minority who keep their mouths shut out of self preservation. If anything they

Because the guardian (and the av club and a lot of liberal media) thinks these guys are trolls- I.e. people who post hyperbolic things on the internet to get a rise out of others. These guys fervently and completely believe everything they are saying is 100% true. They will say it without irony or self reflection to

its no F8te of the furious, thats for sure

i enjoyed never watching the 3rd one. does that count?

Not until we get several articles about trump that are really just a list of 6 tweets barsanti found while he was surfing on company time

or nicholas brendan's life?

the screens are not only not gorilla glass or one of the harder surface glass systems that are frequently used for high end cell phones and tablets… they aren't glass at all. the screen is made out of plastic, which does suggest that they will get scratched to shit by anything that touches them

'back then'? arkansas just introduced another bill today to teach creationism.

we have the 'special balcony' area with beer and wine set at 21 and over. i've never noticed anyone making a lot of noise down in the main section, but i also tend to go early afternoon on fridays so i suspect that its pretty empty down there. also i tend to order a lot of cheap beer

lucky. its the second coldest day of the year here

did anyone else get strangely distracted by the very, very obvious setting of southern california? the idea that he was in lexington ma, which is a dusty back road with a lot of scrub trees had me rolling my eyes pretty hard

the jokes were pretty obvious, but they were well delivered. definitely worth another few episodes

is that what happens when a toad gets hit by lightning?

sort of interesting to bounce between this thread and the casey affleck thread from today. seems that the difference between 'we need to consider the ethics and nuance' of sexual assault is hinged pretty heavily on whether or not people like the movies the guy made….

when you say that do you mean 'as opposed to your phone/tablet/laptop' or 'as opposed to a big flat screen TV with a nice speaker system'?

I think it's pretty obvious he meant that it has the ductile properties of tempered steel and the brittle properties of diamond blades

At least with Get Out, there is a history of varied nominations being given for horror/thrillers (Carrie and silence of the lambs come to mind.) Has sci Fi ever been in the running for anything beyond technical work/music?

really though, the oscar's are super duper boring, even by the standards of award shows. the grammys, tonys, etc often intersperse their shows with numbers and performances in a ratio that makes them a bit more fun to watch in their own rights. they are also very long and on a work night. its a little surprising they