
could have been a brick. considering who it was that got hit, i can't imagine the police would investigate too diligently. cops families need medication from time to time.

he's a racist religious fanatic

The problem with aikman is that he still holds very obvious grudges against teams he played against. He will go out of his way to bad mouth any NFC East team or any of the NFC teams who were good back when he played. It's very annoying if you're not a cowboys fan to have to watch him call a game

I actually just started the Witcher about 2 weeks ago and have found myself pretty anthraled by it. I found a couple of guides online that lay out the back story without being very spoiler heavy and felt like I was understanding everything

So far as I'm aware it was never released for PC. Presumably RD2 will be because development for the Xbox and PlayStation are much closer to PC development and it would be relatively little effort for reward

they probably should- amazon would be a relatively easy target for consumers too.

its actually a relatively good strategy. complaining to the power companies directly doesn't do anything, because consumers can't afford to band together and say 'i wont take power from you, only company providing power in this city!' A company like netflix however- a major multinational- can do that. they can go to a

either way, i feel like i did my good deed for the day

oooo… no, wrong kind of sweaty. you're thinking 'firemen at a beach volleyball game' and you should be thinking 'hungarians with blacklung, covered in a mire of coal dust, body hair and uneaten corn meal'

i was lukewarm on this until i saw they are going to have the animated singing dolphin character from Bojack Horseman transposed into the film, roger rabbit style, and then i got fully on board. its a bold comedic choice

I've never understood why someone would eat at Chipotle. Taco Bell I get- you can buy a lot of relatively tasty food at absolute bargain prices and they are plentiful. But chipotle has prices which compete with actual, real taco and burrito places, which are going to provide a much better dining experience. Are there

There's a really fantastic section about cross dressing and heavily implied rape. It's balls of fun for the whole family!

Wait, the big angry dude with the gun arm wasn't already m.bison?

i caught a couple episodes of blue bloods on reruns and i learned from them that all black people are part of a global conspiracy to make police look bad. it was on tv, so it must be true!

the problem is, your grandkids are going to look at donkey kong (which they will have to have spent hours ordering the proper converter cables to connect to their virtual reality enabled 7000000000p to already, since you wont be able to figure it out) and they'll go 'but grandpa, this game looks like shit and it sucks

eh, its not quite that simple. the code for the game is almost certainly saved somewhere, so you could get a server and set it up and have a end user connect to it with relative ease. the problem is scale- the servers that run these games are typically rented from a 3rd party who provide you with hardware and

christensen has 11 credits with 2 in post to his name since ep 3.

Well, certainly more fun than an 'artist' who posts screen grabs from Google maps that have 'funny' names anyway

The reason you find so many streams and rivers named 'murder' is because the Dutch word for mother is meoder and the word for creek is kill. In the example above, the stream is in an area originally explored by the Dutch and it would have been called 'Mothers Creek.' the current name is just the phonetic pronunciation

Maybe it's tech that can be used for two specific things, like a spork?