
Eh, with riftrax and all the live shows, it's not like mst3k has really been gone, it's just a different formula. I'm pretty lukewarm on this new version. I suspect it will fail to live up to the sky high expectations

in short- you probably could insert your own IUD, but its not really recommended. and by not recommended i mean absolutely do not do that.

my dad does it, he raves about it and it seems to have helped him, but he wasn't really eating a particularly rich diet before, so there was no transition there

just say she works in human resources. nobody will be interested enough to follow up and human resource people cover a wide section of tasks and often aren't supposed to discuss the details of their work for legal reasons

its not that the movie is similar to star trek- its a fan film, so it actually is a story, set in the star trek universe, using all of the star trek stuff (phasers, klingons, the federation, vulcans, etc, etc.)

but the AV club was outraged that lindy west quit twitter because of anonymous trolls a few hours ago. i get that the AV club likes her politics and doesn't like woods, but if the idea is to frame yourself as concerned about free speech, you don't get to pick and choose who you defend based on whether you like what

flavored mayo

well, you figure romans and priests need to grab a quick cheap meal on a busy day occasionally, just like the rest of us

morn? you could never get that guy to shut up

yeah, even in the lesser entries you could marvel at the cities and your ability to parkour about them (and the challenges in the obsessively rendered great historical buildings were always a lot of fun.) but the US at that point really didn't have much in the way of big exciting cities

i work until 1am and the week is likely to be dark and full of boredom, so this should give me something to throw on in the background

don't forget when the police fired hundreds of rounds at the suspects, only managed to hit one of their own guys in friendly fire and then stood around while the wounded kid ran a few hundred yards away and hid in a boat, 'forcing' them to lock down the city and then only finding him when they lifted the lockdown and

lets blame liberals for foolishly playing directly into every negative thing the fanatics have been saying for decades? absolutely. these are precarious times for progress and having moronic demagogues spouting right wing propaganda for them isn't helping

a lot of people see abortion as a necessary evil. when someone like dunham portrays it as a frivolous 'fun' activity you can do to burnish your liberal cred, it completely undermines their internal justification for why they accept it. face it- half of this country thinks an abortion is actual murder. no different

I have to admit, I think I played the division more than any other individual game this year. It may have been a skinnerbox, but combined with a couple of friends and the ability to go through a mission in about 20 minutes with loot at the end really did scratch an itch. Also it did a have fantastic atmosphere for

I think you underestimate how many people in this country personally view abortion as morally abhorrent, but begrudgingly support it because they think its medically and socially necessary. To have a prominent liberal flippantly discuss it as birth control is exactly the ammunition right wing types can use to

or… and just spitballin here- if you say false things, you are going to get sued for defamation and you'd better have the sourcing to back it up. neither gawker nor the daily mail were some hard nosed gumshoe who bravely spoke truth to power and were crushed by the power of the evil on high- the mail is owned by

at least it wasn't racist this time

and what do you expect the host of a light entertainment/variety show to *do* exactly. people go around like they thought fallon would bring him out, shake his hand and then scream 'WHY ARE YOU A GODDAMN NAZI YOU PIECE OF SHIT' in his face on national TV, and the scales would have fallen from america's eyes and

Why not wake up the chief engineer? I mean, yeah I'd rather bang troi, but if I need a module decoupled or a polarized matrix reversed, I'm thawing out Geordie in a heartbeat