
Really? People don't like invasive species that destroy local flora and fauna, spread disease and are horribly overpopulated? This is truly shocking news.

And Colbert treated him with kid gloves too. Expecting corporate entertainment shows to stick the screws to a political candidate is unrealistic.

And if the reviewer had said they were as 'generic as white bread' or some similar phrasing, I'd buy that, but they didn't.

I think I'd probably try and wake up someone from the crews technical team first. I imagine a chief engineer would be more likely to be helpful than a journalist, no matter how pretty she is

because if you strike gold with the first one, you can keep bringing michael fasbender back for each subsequent one. if its a stand alone setting, you lose him after the first one… and since he is the producer of said movie, that seems like an unlikely business decision, doesn't it?

and the racial politics are somehow even more disturbing

wasn't the word that he was a big fan of the actual games? maybe he figured with his star power he could actually do a little justice to a source he actually enjoyed

I watched the entire director's cut with someone who got the end, turned to me and asked me what a replicant was. It can be a bit unclear.

They have been showing these commercials since the Olympics. Non stop. I hope everyone involved with this gets mauled by an actual drop bear and ends up with syphalis

Yeah, it's not just 'dateline, but the radio'. The two parter with the kids who were sold from a baby mill that turned into a wrongful conviction was riveting

Does Florida need a tourism board at this point? I'm pretty sure it's functionally entombed in the public conscious as the land of Miami Beach and meth swamps

I tried to watch Keanu but my dog apparently haaaates that kitten. Everytime it was on the screen she went ape shit. Had to give up

wait, you can't wear your pajamas to the grocery store anymore? because if that is true, there are several people at my local grocery store that need that message hand delivered

the issue with the whopper is the subpar bun. i have not had a whopper in a decade that didn't fall apart and require a fork due to the squirrely bun situation

i thought he was the weakest part of black mass. between the bizarre makeup/wardrobe decisions that made him look like a low rent vampire and a baaaahstan accent that would make mahky mahk blush he was constantly a distraction whenever he was on the screen.

Rustin had been arrested for sexual deviancy under the then anti-gay laws of california. it was a pretty big scandal within the peace movement (he started as a pacifist agitator.) He was still a big part of the organizational groups behind the civil rights movement, as he had come to 'big ticket' activism earlier than

health care is a social issue and society and the government have a vested interest in doing their best to deal with these issues- both from a purely practical level but also from a moral level. standing by and watching our fellow members of society die painful and early deaths from diseases that could be easily

King was fine with Rustin being a major advisor and organizer for the civil rights movement, despite his being 'open' while Baldwin was still closeted, so i suspect that the distance between King and Baldwin was more complicated than boiling it down to sexual orientation.

in the sorts of places that will likely be showing this doc? probably? i know the local place that is most likely to show it in my area is box office only

Ta-Nehisi Coates would not agree with you. a writer who can discuss outrageous social issues without resorting to inflammatory click bait is hardly some white rhino.