
those would have to be assessed individually but lets be honest here- 35% of american adults are overweight and obese. that is roughly 1 in 3 citizens of the country. to try and conflate that with the tiny number of people who A. run marathons and B. over do it to the point of requiring medical care is simply

the problem with that reasoning is that in america we have a health care system where everyone has to buy insurance or pay a tax penalty. that means that obese people with the numerous expensive and chronic health problems that accompany that condition are costing all of us more money, which also means that a lot of

yeah, she's basically a professional troll- 1. write outrageous think piece that is sure to generate a lot of rage posts 2. write followup about how awful all the rage posts are 3. count money from all the clicks.

there are genetic issues and some chronic conditions that can contribute to obesity, but they represent a small percentage of the overweight and obese population. the real culprit is poor nutrition, which can be difficult to control but needs to be for the health of our society. the idea of 'fat acceptance' is

you haven't seen the backlash against those crossfit idiots?

smoking causes a lot of damage to the structure you're in and in older buildings will seep into non smokers apartments, so if mike che wants to smoke and live in public housing he can go outside when he needs to light up like a normal person

The early 90s were probably the most 80's years of the 80's

it really is that bad- the combination of 'what the fuck am i seeing?' 'how did they get *that* person to do this?' 'is there a plot to any of this?' 'why didn't i just watch a nice softcore porn and fast forward through the porn parts?'

Well, there are a few things I think effect that. One is that I think he's supposed to be a bit younger than the show is making him seem. The treatment of him in every aspect and even his name (kid flash) seem to suggest a 15-16 year old, but the show has him sitting in his early 20s by his actions and actor.

its easy not to find things when you spend your whole life not looking for them

i still have not encountered her outside of this column. for all i know, she is a completely invented character.

the mullet isn't a hairstyle man, its a lifestyle.

the magic school wasn't that bad, but the entire second book of his adventures is nothing but grade A nonsense

the first one had a clever hook- the narrator is describing his amazing hero's journey of how he became a wizard/warrior/king who fought his way from nothing to be a big deal- except he's telling it as the physically and mentally broken nobody bartender in a world inundated with an ill defined evil that seems to be

i don't notice peoples hair in real life, i'm certainly not going to notice it on a tv show i don't have any real interest in.

its the only reason i even watched this show, since i abandoned it halfway through last year. I guess the one thing thats nice is that this episode reminded why i did abandon it and confirmed the AV clubs reviews still don't match my opinion on it.

I was afraid of the one I was gifted. It was really flimsy, very hot and the dripping grease seemed like serious burns/house fire waiting to happen. An electric griddle with proper controls and draining seems like a better idea

I'm pretty sure invading a foreign country and defeating their army in combat constitutes a war, even if you call it a police action or a peace keeping force.

And yet Hillary's ads and debate performance mentioned almost none of that. She told people to go read her website, an urging that nobody in the history of things has ever followed

sure, but maybe don't stake your campaign on that?