
do the democrats have solutions for people losing their jobs to automation and outsourcing? because right now they don't seem to have much going on there, and those are the people who lost them the election

exactly- people of all 37 genders need to eat first. you need to provide the basics before you start to go for the stretch goals

i chuckled. it was a semi decent joke, and it had more than a bit of truth in it. the democrats ran a national campaign that was long on identity politics and short on solutions to the problems of people trying to put bread on the proverbial table.

once you got blink, the game became pretty easy. you could instantly leap from place to place, well out of view of any guards and fly through the levels with minimal interaction with anything but the mission objectives

the original story is both much stranger and arguably more romantic

cool, i like classic no doubt

i have never been to cali. i'm on the east coast and if i'm spending the time and money to go to the west coast, i have family in seattle

to be fair, the tasteless jerks had their nude statues of themselves taken by huns and vandals and melted into coins

well, did you see the frontline episode? its based on interviews with people who know the candidates, not just arm chair psychology.

i'm already nostalgic for the Jeb! presidency

i'm going off of the frontline candidates episode, where they painted that as the reason trump actually was serious this time. apparently his usual MO was just to flirt with it because he's a narcissist who likes the attention, and then would drop out before any votes could take place.

counter point: if obama hadnt made fun of trump at the correspondents dinner, he would never have been mad enough to seriously run for president.

wait, you don't have a golden chair? are you one of those poors that the help keep talking about?

the weird thing about breadmakers is that its easier to just make bread in your oven with a bread pan that cost you a dollar

i've had my eye on one for months, i actually bought it. i don't think i've seen a stand alone one (let alone the whole kit) for a price that low

this could (but wont) be a clever meta send up- that all of the evil terrorists realize that the reason their plans keep failing is due to gerard butler and that if they want to destroy the free world, they need to kill him instead of the president/heads of state/etc. so the movie is them getting together, legion of

shooter the movie was already too long for the minuscule plot- the joy was in the big action set pieces. why would anyone watch 10 hours of a show they already know the ending of when it wont be able to afford any of those cool action sequences on USA's budget

that same line was in the movie- it takes place when he first approaches kate mara's character and still thinks they killed the president, not realizing the conspiracy was to shoot the guy standing next to the president, knowing that the obvious conclusion everyone would draw is that it was a botched assassination

yeah, as a millennial i actually do like the social conscious aspect of the brand and i like that its a long standing tradition.

the actual answer would be isreal- a middle eastern nation with a funded nuke program and active, deployable weapons