
do they usually take candid cast photos from what appears to be hundreds of feet away when the cast members are apparently unaware they are present?

is anyone else creeped out that someone is following this young girl around with a telephoto lens?

do we have a jacobs ladder situation going on here?

i've seen myself do that. i can no longer drink american whiskey thanks to that

'Granted, the movie looks like it’ll be more kid-oriented than it will be nostalgia-obsessed twentysomething-oriented, but maybe you’ll end up learning some kind of lesson about how unsatisfying it is to live in the past'

ryan gosling has the look of a man who would rather not listen to anymore stories about 'the good old days' attached to his face

the last time i ate airline food, it made me (and 2 of my traveling companions, as well as several other poor bastards we became acquainted with on our bathroom trips) very ill. the airline sent us a pretty big 'fuck you' when we complained (basically, it wasn't us, you can't prove it was us, and even if it was us

like many unpleasant tasting foods, it began as a practical joke and quickly got out of hand. see also: licorice and the entire state of rhode island

if the rapist showed remorse, or apologized, or at least didn't make his first film include two rapes that aren't even part of the known historical record he is dramatizing, i might be willing to give it a shot.

humans live on the surface of this planet in relative peace for centuries/ever (its not made clear if the humans themselves ever came from space or if sera is just their planet.) Lizard like monsters suddenly start bursting up from the ground, fighting the humans and eventually forcing them into a single city, which

i honestly don't understand why its ridiculous. if art were some impossibly noble endeavor, made purely for the sake of creation you might have a point. but it isn't- its as much commercial as it is higher calling and i'll be damned if i give an unrepentant, defiant rapist my hard earned money

that is surprising. given the family guy/weird tim and eric roots of the whole thing, it seemed to be aggressively targeting a young, specific male demographic. i haven't really seen much of it in the better part of 5-6 years, but the occasional time i've stumbled upon it, it seemed to still be mostly going for

Is there a reason that woman need to be fully represented in the world of weird/stoner humor aimed for a young male audience? Is it not maybe ok to have some things where boys make something intended for other boys?

i wonder if they are going to address what an incredible cluster fuck the pursuit of the brothers was and how the BPD managed to basically screw the chase and manhunt up in every possible way?

i imagine its because Archer is his best known show, but has the least 'stoner' vibe, since its riffs are on well worn tropes. his adult swim stuff is stoner absurdity.

adult swim shows always struck me as shows for 14 year old boys written by highly stoned 25 year old boys. its not tremendously shocking to learn that this is exactly the case.

Anoat City in 1995's Dark Forces

uber also takes credit cards, which is kind of important since when i want a cab i'm usually drunk and not really sure of where i am. i don't want to worry about having enough cash to cover a cab in that situation

and yet, you voted for brexit, something many of you admitted you didn't understand.

well, it would never have occurred to me before, but now i feel like i have to pitch some