
the problem i had with the ring was that the whole story did nothing. she went through the effort, found the little girl in the well and seemed to save her…. and then the ghost kills her boyfriend anyway. the entire movie, the investigation and finding the girl ends up being completely pointless

really i'd argue that The Thing also falls under that category. It has very little in common with the older movie and a lot more with the book

it was a decent mid-budget action flick, for all the good and bad that implies

vietnam is an excellent vacation- good food, lovely countryside, really nice people, super cheap. the biggest issue is that i live on the east coast of the US, so the actual flight is expensive and takes about 34 hours.

eh. its only ok. my take is that the first act is pretty good- max entering barter town and getting involved with the internal politics of the situation. it has a distinctive look, it makes sense and the world building is pretty good.

ironically 5-0 is a big success in the foreign markets, which is what keeps it on the air. based only on the american audiences, it would have been off years ago

wasn't burn notice itself a mashup of macguyver and the A-team?

i assume if it can keep up with hawaii 5-0, it'll stick around in that slot

that also built an intriguing back story right out of the box- he didn't use guns, was afraid of heights and was quietly hyper-competent. you didn't need to be told a tragic backstory, or learn about his schooling or whatever to buy into his character

the red green show is far more of a sketch show than a sitcom and its a uniquely canadian (or at least border dweller) production. i wouldn't compare it to home improvement on any level

depends on what they were fed. goat that is bred for eating is going to be fed relatively good food. that said, it is going to be gamier than something like pork or grain fed beef just by its nature. also depends on the age of the goat and cut of the meat

hey now- a lot of racists use it too

I have a feeling it's not real. Given the hackers out there and his lengthy history of claims with no details ever being exposed, I don't believe him.

oh jeese, this is awkward… um, i have some bad news about playboy that you might want to be sitting down for….

Amanda Bynes by all accounts suffers from schizophrenia, which is a medical condition that is diagnosed by a doctor. I'm not sure it makes sense to compare someone who suffered from the onset of a psychological condition, had a family that intervened legally and effectively and is now (by every account) doing well

i've always thought that lovecraft's reputation for racism is somewhat an artifact of so many of his writing peers being consigned to obscurity. his writing is certainly quite racist by modern standards, but as compared to his contemporaries, it really isn't particularly out sized or remarkable. read howard, or edgar

the 'mellenial' aspect seems particularly odd because they hired micheal weatherly, which means that the people tuning in are going to be my mom and her friends who thought he was the cutest thing ever on NCIS. I assume this will just make them angry, confused and a little afraid.

I like how he said he doesn't think that 'remember when there were less mexicans' is a racist statement- and he thinks the majority of not only av club readers, but people in general, agree with him.

Unfortunately a lot of parents will let their child become very overweight. Sucks a bit for the kid, but if it helps wake their parents up and get them healthier, I'd say it's worth it

can you imagine the eldritch horror that must bring to the lactose intolerant among us?