
The very worst

To be fair, a lot of that was Romney saddling the mbta with the big dig debt.

i enjoyed this book, but i suspect it wont make a great movie.

i'd say i can't wait to hear her song about it, but i've never heard any of her songs and i'm only repeating what i've heard on the internet

Eh, modern scholarship has mostly changed the view on the fall from an abrupt end to a lengthy decline/ re-org.

Doc Rivers was her inspiration to jump so high

i had that same remark to my girlfriend. Catanzaro had one heckuva a run in that first year, but she hit her ceiling pretty quickly.

also, obama seems capable of learning. He tried the 'coalition and local allies' approach in libya, saw that went straight to shit and decided to take a hard pass on any intervention in syria. given how many politicians that were pro-iraq, pro-afghanistan and pro-libya were still mindlessly calling for intervention in

to be fair, have you seen how little racism is directed against wealthy white men who spent their entire life in private schools in overwhelming white areas?

NPR has the *worst* commentary, especially for an ostensibly engaged and interested group of consumers

is she being mauled by a coyote in the header image?

i wish they replaced hate song with guilty pleasure song, which is a much better idea

given that science fiction can (and at its best should) be about exploring real life issues through a fictional lens of some future society, i have a tough time seeing why having references to BLM is a bad thing. If it causes even a few players to think about how their in game experience parallels the real struggles

yeah, chris kyle was a massive sociopath in real life. from his own interviews and writings he professed repeatedly to actively enjoy killing people and then spent years bragging about it.

i only saw it for the first time a few years ago, but i found it to be 'train wreck' levels of awful.

also isn't this the plot of fox's lucifer?

anyone under the age of 50 who writes a 'memoir' should be ritualistically thrown into the ocean

what an odd little show that was

i made my own this weekend, which was remarkably easy to do. the only problem is you need to let it settle for 2 weeks to mellow, so there isn't an instant reward

sure, the rich jerkass also broke off with his best friends, recognizing they are bad people, went back and tried to clean up his (literal) mess and then when he went to apologize to his girlfriend, was suddenly confronted with a monstrosity out of the darkest of nightmares and instead of pissing his pants and running