
are we talking modern geisha or the old traditional geisha? because there is a pretty big difference between the current version- which is mostly for cultural appreciation- and the original version, what with the sex and stuff

for a site that so often bemoans the fate of the elder actress, that shot against JLC seems more than a wee bit hypocritical and frankly unecessary

he's doing that because she technically was married to a man already, and only by proving she is still a virgin can they 'annul' her previous marriage (although clearly all of this is a sham at some level)

i think that is her plan- she pushes tommen's buttons about being a man out of his mothers shadow in private, then she goads cersei into rash action, proving to tommen that she was right and forcing him to act against his mother

i don't think anyone- even the show- is arguing that the vikings were the good guys. i think that the narrative weight does invest the viewer in that world view, but i don't think its fair to blame the show for that

i would think that since they essentially set the baseline of viking behavior in the first season, that making sure to 'feature' a rape in every subsequent season would be unnecessary (unless they had done any sort of reset- i.e. ragnar had told his men they needed to stop raping the women they met and needed to show

so, it opens the friday evening before ANZAC day and its a movie by and starring an aussie? are you really claiming that this movie is a secret attempt to smear armenians?

i'm not sure i understand the idea that the vikings being serial rapists is somehow absolved by the factions they come across being also horrible to women in their own ways. it isn't a zero sum game- the various english, french and viking factions can be complete shitbirds to women without it also absolving one of the

i keep seeing the whole 'ben's death was unexpected.' After his first scene in the show i knew he was going to die. it seemed incredibly telegraphed. Did people think he was safe because of his comic book background? i have never read anything about daredevil or seen the entire movie version before, so maybe his

i've seen a bunch of super-liberal writers hand wringing about the release date. Apparently australia/NZ may also have feelings and national events that they didn't run past american bloggers first! who knew?

it also was broken from day 1 and they never actually fixed it. that was pretty evident to anyone who tried playing it, but the sheer scale of how bad it was is pretty easy to pick up reading any of the blog posts, all of which mention various systems and all of which are referred to as broken/never finished.

why? the system in place meant they could stay within an area they exclusively controlled perpetually- remember, we're talking about a system which the ultimate reward is just time being alive. what incentive would you ever have to leave your house? heck, there were players who were just merchants who played the

the problem with the method as he laid it out is that there were so many places you could isolate yourself (houses, guild halls, guild owned towns, corners of the map) where nobody would ever see you. early players would have gotten killed until they figured out the tricks, then create new accounts to get new jedi

it was a fascinating sandbox world, but it seems like if they'd just stuck to that and used the extra time and development money to get it closer to perfect, it could very well have sustained 300-500k for years without breaking the bank. 300k wasn't enough for the SW license to be justified

i've always thought if they'd named it "Space Settler of the 31st Century" and just ran with that, it could have been a success. Attaching it to the star wars name and than not actually making it remotely related to star wars (thematically, game play wise or mechanically) set expectations for success that their

it seemed like she did give the slave a trial. she let him plead his case to her in front of the court and then she passed judgement. I doubt she ever intended to convene some sort of american style jury/judge/lawyer for the son of the harpy. it does seem odd that the slave guy decided he couldn't wait a couple of

i think the idea was to critique whedon's tendency to put 'waifu' 'mpdg' characters in everything.

well yeah, mance isn't actually dead, he's really been swapped with tormund in the show version. oh, and he's actually syrio wearing an elaborate costume and using misdirection to keep anyone from looking at him too closely.

they always have a new vegas, even though vegas would probably be the first place to be abandoned, given how little water is easily accessible without all of the existing infrastructure.

i have the opposite issue right now- the guy i sit next to at work hasn't read the books, knows i have and keeps speculating about what he thinks is going to happen in the show…. and then asking my opinion.