
I think a little trepanation might help this administration...

I disagree. A gender studies professor is one of the best people to explain why this is sexual assault. This is the perfect venue for their expertise.

I hope they don’t take ALL the heat, though. As a boss in that situation the first thing I’d tell my new hires is you CANNOT just pull shit from Google! That seems equally common sensical to me.

I empathize completely, but how can you be sure other folks who are sitting aren’t in a similar situation?

I understand what you’re saying. Challenging gender identity is a highly charged political action, without any doubt. I am certain there are folks as you say, who claim “otherness” merely for their own gain. I can see how someone in that category could take advantage of our radical acceptance. But here is the trick

They’re hinting at another kind of bi-erasure, whereby folks are assumed to be going through some sort of annoying phase. It’s unfair and frankly untrue of what we know factually about sexuality and identity. If somehow says they are queer for one hot minute, it would be nice for all of us to just accept that. (And

This isn’t accurate. Queer is absolutely a term used by all manner of people in the LGBTQ community. Politely, your anecdotal evidence doesn’t mean much. Also, I’m sensing some bi-erasure with your comment about “actual” gay people, and the insinuation that bi people can somehow avoid being the target of slurs.

Makes sense.

I would try and take his tweet seriously, except I know that it was meant more as a “Poor me, no one will believe/disbelieve my incoherent ramblings exactly how I mean them to be believed according to whatever agenda is important to me during a given trip to the toilet!”

This is probably precisely what Trump will label “voter fraud.” Imagine if he could de-legitimize college liberal voters, folks who are clearly hated by conservatives.

Let me get this straight: In the last election, during which millions of Americans refused to vote because their distaste for both major candidates was so large, scores of other voters “held their nose” and voted for someone they hated, and still others voted for Gary freaking Johnson as their favorite choice,

You know, I’m not convinced there is a huge conspiracy there with the Russia stuff. But I am wondering if on any level the probe is continuing simply because they know it enrages the terra-cotta tumbleweed.

Just like driving, but in the air? Maybe pre-texting this could have been a solution.

Seriously. Good candidates are not making it on the ballot. Why is this so hard?

CPS is already overrun. And frankly that kind of intervention brings the whole situation to an unnecessary level. School social workers, counselors, and behavior resource specialists should be used. Is CPS really supposed to take time out of their day to tell educators how to do their job?? I can tell you right now

Nope. This is not at all the correct or standard protocol. CPS does not care about kids who are acting up in school.

It was a joke, simpleton.

Women: I don’t want to have a baby, I can’t afford it. 

I’m sick of supporting babies who are born sick or injured. They’re the ones who lived a wild pre-life in the womb, they’re the ones who should pay for it.