First they came for the Sweet Valley Twins, and I said nothing because JFC this is a ridiculous argument and it would never happen. You can buy a copy of Mein Kampf if you want, FFS. No one’s coming for Sweet Valley, you prairie-cosplaying goober.
First they came for the Sweet Valley Twins, and I said nothing because JFC this is a ridiculous argument and it would never happen. You can buy a copy of Mein Kampf if you want, FFS. No one’s coming for Sweet Valley, you prairie-cosplaying goober.
I’ve noticed this, too. It’s just anecdotal, but it’s like some people put their toe into adulthood, don’t like it, and go back to the comfort of other people making all their decisions for them. And it always seems tied to some religious “awakening.”
You’re wife didn’t bring it up again because she wants to know more. She wants to know if you’re trustworthy, and she thinks more information will help her know for sure.
“Lying to someone you love to protect them from knowing what you’ve done puts you on about the same moral ground as a firefighter who rescues someone from a building he set on fire.”
All human relationships require work, and the people who don’t recognise that are probably letting other people do most of it.
The problem with this is the power difference. Bestselling, millionaire authors with large fan bases are attacking an unknown college student and pretending the criticism actually hurts them in any real way. It doesn’t.
Sadly I think they are aware of it; they simply just don’t care. They see this as an opportunity, not a moment of self-reflection, thus their lack of empathy and even moral fiber.
What she means is that she doesn’t like how obvious they are with their hatred since it seems kind of uncouth, but she sees how helpful they can be in a pinch for helping her get somewhere with her own hatred-based platform.
And yet if you asked white people to forgive the 9/11 hijackers, you'd get a much different response. I use that analogy as a litmus test.
One deserves to be the victim of fraud if they spend $75 on tickets to a Dolphins game. You knew what you were doing.
I’m still pissed that Parmenides marked Zeno down at the half-yard line in 435 BC. Replay would have fixed that.
I shall invent a device that alerts Dolphins fans when they are being erroneously charged for purchases. It will emit a Dolphin-call shriek if a skimmer is used to rack up a fraudulent charge. I will call it “the Miami Sound Machine.”
But Midsommar is great.
Your wholly correct take on ‘The Meg’ is invalidated by your 100% WRONG take on ‘Midsommar’.
Thanks Mrs. Cousins.
Rice is a shrewd choice for the only organization in America that tortures more people than the Bush administration.
I think she believed that Africa was going to be like one giant Ralph Lauren photo shoot, with beautiful Waspy white people elegantly draped over Land Rovers, or posing with cheetahs on the savannah. This whole trip just screams “noblesse oblige.”
Pretty sure he'd feel you back.