
I’m not “policing” anyone. I politely asked one person to reconsider. If this is what pushes your buttons I don’t know what to tell you. It’s hard to be more gentle than that. And the proposal itself was completely benign: An already existing, totally polite way of addressing someone that will eliminate the problem

3 Olympians is justification enough for me.

How is saying “Hello” changing social norms?? Anyway, social norms change all the time. I’m sorry if it was too much that I politely asked someone (not you) to reconsider how they address people.

I don’t give a shit what Mike Pence does.

The fact that Pence is so adamant about the rules makes me think that it’s a mix of paternalism and him having cheated at some point.

Better for Comey to go or stay??? See, because either he knows he’s a political pawn, and he’s corrupt as hell. Or he doesn’t know, in which case he is incredibly stupid and incompetent. Either way, the sad trickle of reports coming out of the FBI have not inspired my faith in that organization, to say the least.

That’s what the money is for, or for starting a life for kids who aren’t going to high school. I had a graduation party and so did pretty much everyone I went to school with. Relatives, teachers, parents friends etc all gave cash. Kids typically would throw the party with a group of friends to save on resources.

Devil’s Advocate: Don’t most people get a bunch of $ for graduating high school? I vaguely remember getting a few gifts as well, like laundry baskets and a pasta strainer. I don’t remember needing that much when I moved out. Just got married last year. It was mostly older people who gave us things, folks our age

I think Honeyfund will only become more popular. People are starting to recognize that many modern couples don’t need any items to start their household. Many guests would still like to celebrate the couple with a gift, however. This is the perfect solution, especially for someone like the author of this article,

I have no idea how to edit, but thank you...f you know how I’d appreciate the help. My profile has to do with that ever popular blend of Gilmore Girls, Thoreau, and extreme haircuts. I know it is tempting to try, but I must warn you: it’s awesomeness cannot be replicated.

I know this is supposed to be a good thing, but a lot of the recent laws in France relating to what women strike me as extremely patronizing.

There is a deep shame, I believe about all forms of sexuality that aren’t raunchy or religious. Anything normal (in which I include queer sex, which I suppose is a slow form of progress) is NOT to be acknowledged. Modern Family and Ellen both stick to those terms pretty well, which makes them safe, I guess.

There’s always someone to rush in and make the joke that no one watches women’s sports. Guess what? WOMEN ALREADY KNOW THAT MEN DON’T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THEM.

Please reconsider and try addressing people without using gendered terms. I find just saying “Hello” is sufficient, respectful, and always welcome.

It might not be an affront to their “wokeness.” Could be that you’ve assumed their gender incorrectly. I don’t know if you mean to sound crotchety about it, but I’m going to respond kindly anyhow. Assuming people’s genders is very rude, even when it’s intended to be respectful. Just my two cents, as someone often on

I love that guy standing in the background, clearly muttering through his teeth, “Why is Fergie’s boyfriend screaming and choking a fish?”

I can see how this type of show will make a revival, considering all the Pinterest “hacks” people use to skip doing a real DIY home improvement project.

I love this, but to many Americans what you just described sounds like a caricature of what we think it’s like in the UK. Anything a little bit fruity TERRIFIES the American public.

I’ve never heard of Her Story but now I’m going to check it out, THANK YOU!

I think you meant, “This is my jam.”