
Even when it’s REALLY BAD, in our grand gay tradition:)

That these are considered queer storylines speaks volumes about how the creators view queer lives. My life is not some sad, barely acknowledged side story. Ya’ll need to dance in the background of my life, for once. 

I don’t remember this only being at night. Is the reboot only at night though?

I don’t mind doing laundry. However, I live in a duplex. Each unit has it’s own washer and dryer, clearly labeled as such. It aggravates me because sometimes I haul our stuff downstairs only to find the other couple is using our washer or dryer. Very annoying, but I can see clearly they are trying to get stuff done a

This is spectacular shade.

“Let’s create a whole new committee to talk about how committees are bad and unneccesary!”

Did you ever make it to the top of the list??

Close second, but I’d put this right behind “eat some curly fries.”

I don’t think she gets cast for her acting skills....

Found? Damn, those things are expensive. I’d be mighty tempted to sell them on Craigslist.

Imagine a world where men are told to stay home and avoid social situations after a sexual assault occurs...

I see you, sneaking in “ICP Festivals” like any sane person sees those Pure Michigan commercials and thinks, “Yes, I MUST travel there and get my juggalo on.”

Even though I hate moving them, I still usually get the feeling as I’m packing them up, “Hey, I should get more of these cool things.” I’m a slow learner...

I’m going on a big ramp hunt this year, hoping to find enough to sell to local restaurants. Last year I dehydrated a large batch and made ramp salt. Still using up the last of it on my scrambled eggs.

Straight people: Tiny little gay thing happens.... WOW. PIVOTAL. INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT. I’M SO WOKE.

+1 Chuckle/Sob

Don’t be ridiculous. That Van Gogh could get cooked into a gruel much tastier than dog food.

Not according to Snopes.

I looked it up because I saw that on FB. Snopes says it wasn’t him.

He’s gonna need it...