Mullah Omar

He can turn funny to scary fast. Saying Heineken? Fuck that shit! Pabst Blue Ribbon is genuinely funny but the bar scene itself is unnerving.

Fuck that shit! PABST. BLUE. RIBBON.

It seems strange that Snyder didn’t cast him in his new Army of the Dead movie. If he thought he was great and got screwed over, he would have put him in a new film to help his career.

He’s not a shitty actor, but he’s also nothing special either. At the rate he’s going, no one would want to work with potential baggage.

Still the best question-answer involving Mads.

Yeah like, he won’t be blacklisted in a ‘collusion’ sort of way... he just isn’t remarkable enough to deal with the potential for drama. Ray Fisher can be easily replaced with Jonathan Majors, Michael B. Jordan, Lakeith Stanfield or Daniel Kaluuya. It’s the same with anyone who’s ‘good not great’ and not an A-lister.

“Why is Dr. Doom beating everyone’s testicles with rope?”

Pretty much.

I’m very much in the “fuck Ray Fisher” camp. He was a shitty actor in a shitty movie, there may have been issues but he’s basically become a professional victim just hinting at issues instead of coming right out  and saying his side and refusing to cooperate in an investigation that he demanded. Then demanding the the

Be that as it may, at some point casting directors and studio execs are going to start saying “ya know, if we want a black man for this role, there are a lot of black actors OTHER than Ray Fisher....”

They won’t look good either way. If they didn’t comment Fisher might be calling them out for their damning silence showing they haven’t learned a thing.

Ray Fisher wants to make it really clear that he NEVER wants to work again, doesn’t he?

AVclub profiting on this dumbass drama that is way past it’s expiration date.

Perhaps not a popular take, but I have to disagree.

Hopefully they’ll include the Skrull Cows...

I know there’s good reasons to never do more Firefly, including the big Joss Whedon-shaped one, but procedurals feel like a waste of Fillions’ talents.

Surely we can get him a Disney+ Star Wars show or something, can’t we? We already know he can do a great swashbuckling rogue: Give this man another ship.

Oh that is absolutely supposed to be SF— never mind the tunnel, Awkwafina is driving a bus on the1 California” route, and there’s a prominent shot of the Ghirardelli building (or a Ghirardelli building at least, not sure that’s the real one). Parts of the financial district were shut down for film shoots a while

LOL at Falcon and the Winter Snowman

I really like Awkwafina, she stole the show in Jumanji, but what a stupid fucking name. I’m sure it started out as a joke to get attention for her early rap career, and now she’s famous and stuck with it. Just go back to your original name ffs. What’s wrong with Nora Lum?

As far as I’m concerned, this is a perfect movie up to the crew’s return from the ghost ship. I have to disagree, Dowd, that there’s anything particularly exciting or scary about the final act. You can practically feel Danny Boyle ripping the steering wheel from Alex Garland’s hands. And that “nightmarish blur” felt