Yes, we can apply it to a lot of things. “Everyone is a responsible banana eater until suddenly they aren’t.”
Yes, we can apply it to a lot of things. “Everyone is a responsible banana eater until suddenly they aren’t.”
Everyone is a responsible gun owner until, you know, suddenly they aren’t.
Shut up Kendal. The only reason you’re a “model” is because you’re related to the Kardashians. Just bask in your luck and stop whining about perceived slights.
It’s like his nose is having a party in the center of his face and all his other features want in on it.
This dirt bag needs a brain bleach chaser:
I’m not so sure he’s a great kid and he takes the worst selfies.
Now that you mention it, where IS the law-abiding open-carry person who will shut this down?’s Walmart. A Texas Walmart. Where is the good guy with the gun? Because isn’t that why we have a second amendment?
Often, when I want to express emphasis I write “soo” instead of “so.” And even if no one else thinks this should be…
Kara, lovey, there are 310 million Twitter users. Do we really need to see a daily Yoko and RiffRaff post?
I’d be curious how many of the people who partook of the Ice Bucket Challenge in 2014 donated money to ALS charities in 2016.
This makes absolute sense and my heart aches for this man. Having said that, that's a fucking amazing picture.
I would just annoy her by mispronouncing her last name as “Biz Markee.”
There was never any public evidence that he was much of anything, drunk/high or sober. He was always just a guy who showed up in a hat, sunglasses, necklaces and a goatee and tried to look enigmatic. Even his acting is like a thin layer of eccentric varnish, with nothing below the surface.
Blake probably thinks it’s real.
Ah, this photo... I know it well. I thought I left it behind when I decided I couldn’t put up with Buzzfeed any longer, but no, here it is again... The lady in the tub with the elbow that looks like her breast may not be too far behind.
isn’t beyonce in minute 14 of her 15? jesus christ i hope so
How is it cowardly? If he names individuals, he will get sued, or worse. He’s doing what he can with the platform that he has.
Me, the last ten minutes of the episode: “fucking zombies! ...goddammit...ok flashback...shit, fuck you, zombies. I hate zombies!”
But things ARE changing- people are buying more and more guns every day.