
It looks more like he was trying to gun it past him so the kid couldn't trying and throw a helmet at him or reach into the car or some stupid shit like that that has happened before at races. The kid was moving closer and closer so when Tony gunned it and the kid was too close he got caught by the back tire. He

Here we fucking go. Let's blame Bush for every god damn thing imaginable. When will this get old? 20 years from now, when Medicare is defunct, will it still be Bush to blame? The Obama administration beats the fuck out of this dead horse. Is it Bush's fault that more than three dozen veterans have died while waiting

Just as you can support him, others have the right to not support him. Two way street on all issues. Neither viewpoint should be criticized or judged for their personal opinion... This is America.

Oh so I should be stoked to see dudes making out on tv? The fuck is wrong with you?

i see what you did there. anyone with a hint of intellect HAS to be self absorbed and obviously a child abuser. i like the ending the best, "reply and youre an asshole.. don't reply and youre an asshole. I GOT YOU NOW SMARTY PANTS."

No, no, no. As long as you're dumping on the NCAA, it does't matter how many women you beat into submission, raped, or intimidated into recanting accusations of rapey behavior, you get a pass. Oh, who am I kidding, if you play a sport, you get a pass and a podium to pontificate broadly on matters far beyond your

A "flatso".

You'd think a spastic colon would produce more runs.

The police should have realized that the beanbag is the natural ally of the college stoner.

Tim is right. By the time this satirical piece is removed hundreds of times from the source, it takes on a (true) life of its own.